
This is probably a dumb question, but can one make substitutions on the boxes? Like, can I swap those cinnamon twists for another taco?

These are all great tips for not making yourself look like an asshole when asking for a raise, and to Ms. Torabi’s credit they are well-delivered. But the whole “ . . . and Actually Get It” part of this headline is clickbait.

I’ve looked, but I have no setting to control it. I find complaints about it back to at least 2012 on some Acura forums. The best suggestion is to get a blank track that plays automatically until you feel like playing something yourself. That doesn’t really solve the problem though. The only way is to set the stereo

These terrorists illegally imported guns to carry out the attack. Without the guns, there is no attack.

I have experienced the green garlic effect. I was cooking a 2 lb pork tenderloin that I put through a garlic press and mixed with some other spiced and rubbed it on the loin. I came back at hour later thinking something had molded or went bad in the sous vide. Did some research and found out its quite common, but from

That’s what it’s made for! I don’t understand your comment.

You can create a playlist on the mobile app, to do so though, you have to choose a song, hit the three dots, and then hit “New Playlist”. It’s ridiculous that you can’t create on on the goddamn Playlist menu, but the ability is there. 

Have always found their UI atrocious. To this day I have to guess at how to get to the artist or our page for song and listen to. Those should be primary buttons on the main page.  And the fact that you can’t create a playlist Or folder on their mobile app is sad. These are the primary reasons I am constantly

So like... how many maps are there? How many game types are available in multiplayer? How’s the matchmaking UI? How many guns? Are the guns locked behind personal level and/or challenges of some sort? What is the tick rate of the servers? Do you have the option of choosing a server? How many classes are there? What

Why does WWE performing in Saudi Arabia elicit such a condemning blog post but performing in China doesn’t? 

Forget QAnon, I’m convinced that there is a massive conspiracy in place to prevent the Browns from ever winning a game again. HOW HIGH DOES THIS THING GO?

Kicking’s brutal. It’s the most nakedly binary aspect of football.

D1 sucked.

Heavily armed citizenry is the real mistake.

Usually I have empathy for people with mental disorders, especially if they are bereaved. Usually.

Steve, you may in fact be crazy.  

Did anyone else read this title and think they were somehow sending email attachments wrong?  or am i the only one?

But silencing voices that spread lies and hate just creates a better world. There are many legitimate conservative voices out there. Getting rid of Alex Jones benefits EVERYONE.