"Float like a butterfly sting like a bee - the only person who can smack talk after winning is me" — Muhammad Ali
"Float like a butterfly sting like a bee - the only person who can smack talk after winning is me" — Muhammad Ali
I really feel for this guy.
You don't expect to end up paralyzed after weight lifting. Even after Crossfit.
Um... calm down man. I totally agree that the owner doesn't matter if they are winning. I was replying to the thread which said they were in good hands re the mgmt. We gave our opinions relating to it and that was that.
Be germane to the topic at hand? — first off nice use of the word germane in a sentence. But you…
Jimmy Joined Pilot Oil with Flying J if that is what you mean but Pilot Oil was already huge and they were already rolling in money at that time. And that was more about access to credit and the pumps than brains. It was Flying J's idea.
So you skipped the last paragraph of his post that I replied to in order to prove you are a genius? Well done but what does that have to do with Josh Gordon?
The Owner of the Browns -Jim Halsam- is presently walking a tightrope with his company his daddy gave him. If he claims he was too dumb to know about rampant fraud in his company he can stay out of jail. People who work there have already plead guilty so it isn't a question of wrongdoing. They robbed people.
With a name: SVT_MAN I would expect no less from you :-D
I won't argue with that. And I am glad to hear it. I am an X-er. grew up with muscle cars and also love imports. The fans of this car from my generation are really fixated on displacement. It needs that 5.0 badge.
This car is a dog and looks ugly to boot. the only thing they got right was giving you a 5.0 option.
http://www.bls.gov/bls/blswage.ht… this is about as good as your gonna get...
I live in TN right next to the stadium. I will always remember Kiffin's time in TN— pimping out sorority girls to potential recruits. A lot of people had a problem with that but I think he just wanted to share some of that cali love. He told us that is how they do things on the West coast. Godspeed Lane...
I live in TN. Knoxville and can hear the stadium from my house on Gameday. To be a Bama fan in TN would be putting your life in danger. Florida?!? Fucking forget about it. That is the easiest way to tell if someone is an asshole after wearing an affliction shirt.
You really jerked it out of the park with that one... well played.
That joke has the power of the wolf.
I was a paid Flickr member but the site is garbage the interface is garbage and they are fond of making private photos public and no matter how many times I changed the setting they would not become private. I am not sure why Flickr thinks everyone wants to see pictures of my baby sleeping.
I bought a NEX 5n and after a week or so sold my DSLR. It was a D3100. I love the NEX. It is a lot of camera for the money. I have used it on professional photo shoots for photojournalistic style shooting. It never misses the shot. I am with MH and would also recommend the NEX-5R or 5n over the F3. The 5N is for sale…
Wow... Talk about a Jesus complex.
I thought Bloomberg made storms of this size illegal...
Yeah I love 'em. WTF podcast is always interesting. The Downcast app for the iPhone is the way to go to stream them etc.
Right that is kinda what I was thinking would happen —- So I find it hard to believe that a model like that could really destroy local retailers. It could possibly hurt box stores like best buy and wal mart tho. But I don't shop at those stores if I can help it.