
Just because they have a distribution center in your state does not mean they have the product you want delivered at that location. Amazon sells literally everything and many things are used. I don't see how they could offer this for more than a slice of what they offer on the site.

The camera matters very little. It is kind of like saying that a more expensive guitar will make you a better guitar player.

bravo sir—— bravo!

That is possibly the lamest demo video for a product I have ever seen. The camera looks promising tho.

I love this band. Their new record is amazing. "Get Got" is prolly my favorite off their new record. Well done Giz.

Funny - The ones I know are not whiners but I think there is a connection to the skill level of the end user(s) and the amount of complaining an IT person does. But I will concede I have met a few IT people who had zero people skills so the end user would wait until their computer or network was literally on fire

I had the misfortune of using a RIM device when the company was in its prime. RIM didn't succeed because of good ideas. RIM got rich because they were one of the first smart phones to play nice with exchange server. User experience on any RIM device is a lesson in poor design. My friends in IT hate them.

This is really interesting to me. My brother in law had a stroke and passed away on his birthday last year. This was a healthy guy, a vegetarian and a drummer who was constantly gigging. Autopsy was unable to identify the reason for the sudden massive stroke. I miss him quite a bit .

The aspect of these arguments that always gets missed is that people are getting paid. Internet providers for one get a check each month. Most people who torrent still pay for their internet connection. The torrent sites get paid for their pop up ads. The problem is that the WRONG people get paid. The content

Yeah I agree. Long exposure is basically anything longer than you can shoot steadily with the camera in your hand.

A phone made by people who have no concept of privacy? I'll take two!

I only had a handful of people from out of state. Part of the problem with FB was me and the way I felt compelled to check it all the time.

I deactivated my Facebook account a week ago and the fact that I had amassed all these friends — something like 800+ —that was my reasoning for turning it off instead of unfriending people. I play in a band (a terrible one—- you would hate it) and you meet a lotta people that way, not friends—- people.

"I don't know what sort of algorithm Leica has come up with for processing grayscale RAWs (I assume it will make grayscale RAWs), but I would think it has considerably wider dynamic range than RGB."

So am I the only one who thinks the idea of a monochrome digital camera is silly? Why would a serious photographer want to give up the ability to manipulate the colors to create something interesting? Once you have a monochrome image you give up a lot of post processing options. I have never met a B&W photographer who

hmmmm... must be something in the air:

you may wanna take a peek at 50 gigs for free. very reliable so far.

Right right... I haven't messed with any of that in years so I mixed it up. Thanks for clarifying.

You actually need 2 lights. The Sodium is best for what the kids call "Vegging" (growing the plant to the desired size)—- but fluorescents will also work okay. And the Metal Halide is best for "budding" (if you have to ask what that means then don't worry about it.)

Love B&W. Here is one from my portfolio. Too old to submit.