
You still have to get the image in the frame. That is what a photographer with a good instinct does. No app can tell you what to photograph. I typically don't use filters and there is a setting on instagram where you don't have to use one—- the default setting. So you can prove you artistry all you want filter free.

Whats wrong with Raisinets?

I shoot only in black and white and to say that one camera could do it better is really just silly. Black and white is an entire world with many tonal possibilities. It is kinda like Reggae music. If you listen to it you can tell the difference but people who don't think it is all the same.

Lean forward to go lean back to stop... Just like on a real skateboard. Electric boards are torque monsters that shoot straight to top speed. You best be leaned forward or your going off the back.

I think the best thing about having this guitar is that you would never have to worry about it being stolen

I have a design company that creates motion graphics and I work primarily with Motion 4 and I also had to delete the new Motion after a few minutes because it was too buggy to complete a basic project. I got a refund from apple for it because it is not really out of beta from what I can tell.

Maybe New Zealand is becoming like America. Copyrights above Human rights. It's crazy how people in these media industries can snap their fingers and the gov will jump and do their bidding.

I dunno if it is making people miserable — or allowing miserable people another outlet for their own self loathing.

My apologies for expecting more. To call me a troll (stage 99? what is that?) for being accurate and then defending the writer for doing a bad job is confusing to put it lightly. But your tssk tssk attitude is pretty awesome.

Snapseed is an amazing piece of software. It offers a lot of the same functionality of NIK softwares suite of of photography post processing software—- which costs $300. If it could batch process it could be used professionally. I dunno about the person who wrote this article but if they are slagging this software as

I have heard a lot of talk like that but in my experience the coworkers who complain about the sales staff would be in the corner crying in a fetal position if tasked with taking on sales for their company. I handle design and sales for my company and the design part is easy compared to what it takes to generate

I had a friend just yesterday balk on spotify because of the mandatory FB integration. The timing of it is terrible considering FB could very well be on the way out due to the design missteps. They really Gizmodo'd it up over there...

Even after this enormous waste of resources and money it was a street vendor who alerted the police to the smoking car in Times Square. It has been passengers who have stopped the shoe bomber and the underwear bomber. Unless these guys entrap someone they don't catch anything but taxpayer money by the barrel full. But

I actually bought the p7000 because it is the closest thing to a DSLR that I can fit in my pocket. Its strength is that it allows for a lot of control on the fly that the other cameras do not. According to the graph at dp preview (I love that site) the p7000 still had a better over all photo.

I have the Nikon p7000 and there is now a P7100 and both of them offer a lot more functionality for the same price, better zoom, an actual viewfinder to look through and tons of control at your fingertips if you wish to use it.

This could only have been invented by someone who has no kids...

No 8th as you see from the comments by wanting something that isn't bending over backwards to accomodate not only the people who may for one reason or another want to hide their gender but the people who breathlessly defend them as well— for wanting that you are clearly worse than hitler.

Even a small dog can create 100 lbs of pressure by lunging forward.

I used mini discs for an old digital home studio made by Yamaha. It was actually a great and reliable medium. Especially at the time they came out.

Best last sentence evar...