I’m 54 and I saw that pic and thought, fuckin’ old asshole.
I’m 54 and I saw that pic and thought, fuckin’ old asshole.
Hate ages motherfuckers.
Holy shit! I thought he was a semi-retired 70-something with nothing better to do!
My God, this man is 53.
Shaming clearly doesn’t work, so, you gotta hit ‘em in the nuts (pockets). Aggrieved writers need band together, get a lawyer and petition a judge for an emergency order to turn off the tap (cancel the stupid gala, block next publication, freeze accounts if possible, etc) until they’ve been paid. That would send a…
Few people do what they should do, my friend. In fact, many people will more quickly take advantage of someone because they are from the same culture and not assume they’re being grifted.
Wait.. I can sell a fried bologna sandwich for $14? Where do I need to be to do this?
As long as you don’t threaten a cop with violence or death, hit them and aren’t committing a crime, telling them they are wrong or are out of line is legal. I have a problem with any cop that is sexist or racist or tries being a bully. It’s gotten me knocked around, once I was told to leave town after a cop and I had…
I gotta be honest, even though I’m white, I’d be really hesitant to call out the police on their shit. I get that I’m not likely to get shot for jay walking, selling loose cigarettes, or being too big, but you start questioning a cops authority, things can go bad no matter who you are. I’ll grant that will most likely…
They don’t like Jews in the alt-right. There do still seem to be a few hanging out on the periphery (eg InfoWars) that didn’t get the memo. When the alt-right says globalists, they mean Jews. When they say white, they don’t mean Jews.
I feel thankful my grandfather died before I had to see him enjoy a Trump presidency. I know that sounds callous but he was headed that direction. I love him, but I’m glad he died thinking that Obama and The Gays were taking over.
If you have the luxury to tell a cop off when he is wrong and not get shot, you should. You still might get arrested or get a ticket for telling them that they sound like some awful racist sexist police officer from the 50's. If hear someone being an asshole call them out. This goes beyond race too, it goes for guys…
I love this graphic because it really does expose the “not all white people” for a lie.
Gunning someone down for their beliefs is EXACTLY and PRECISELY what our military does every single day, and has done, and what EVERY SINGLE military in the WORLD has done, is doing, throughout human history, for all time.
“I’ll tell you what’s at the bottom of it. If you can convince the lowest white man he’s better than the best colored man, he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket. Hell, give him somebody to look down on, and he’ll empty his pockets for you.”
They looked like a 10-year-old boy who enjoys terrorizing things weaker than it.
Seriously. I tip my hat to these guys
See white folks, this is how you show yourself to be an ally. Take a stand, challenge your brethren and be willing to do something to make change happen. These cats have a uphill battle and I wish them all the luck and blessings.