
It was not 100% hand drawn. It's used cgi. Particularly the aura effect in the scientist lab.

Huge difference between going with standard USB connection and Lightening:
Plugs in any side, slides in because the edges are rounded, the port in smoothed and the fit is perfect and locks secure enough to mount the device. That that means is that it plugs in the first time every time, without having to flip, inspect,

Probably 10 cents cost to include one of those USB ones on ebay that doesn't have the AC brick. At the very LEAST they should have done that.

My issue... and really all modern ergonomic practice's issue is the sticks being at stretch from the natural resting position of the hand. The left one being the one that ideally should be raised up. This is a huge issue for players, as it will cause more strain, lead to more injuries, and could have been an easy fix

here we go with the ignorant "sheeple" comments. How many establishments do you purchase from every month that, as business owners, choose what they want to carry and what they don't want to carry on their shelves? ALL of them. congrats. You are sheeple too.

I come to the comments section to read comments pertaining or contributing to the article I just read, and no I have to scroll through 5 pages of responses to one whiny jerkoff. So I know how you feel.

They couldn't see that high up through the smog.

Goldbergs is the bet sitcom on TV now.

They are bears and they CAN get aggressive, but also by them just being wild animals with he tools to kill, they can harm unintentionally as well.. Very strong. Sharp teeth and sharp claws. They are HUGE too. That's a juvenile in that pic. And Adult male is much bigger than I. Even this little one below... i had a

In China, it's a dine-in place, but there is usually an army of delivery bikes lined up outside. The pizzas are way smaller. Usually a pizza for two that come in a value meal. Interesting appetizers.…

Where is the part where they soak the crust in grease? because I'm pretty sure that's what makes Pizza Hut stuff so terrible.

Apparently, Asian = Gaming news!

I spent some time exploring and "taking pictures" with sony's "camera" and it's doing nothing but shine a bad light on the camera. The pics are terrible because the lighting and engine that drives this is terrible. And people don't care to see what a camera can do with these models. We don't know the level of detail

I literally buy half my games (used) because of boobs and ninjas. Need to try this one though.

no no no, sir. This game was satisfying for even the biggest N64 fan and critic. Same controls: check. Same gameplay: check. No drastic changes to the formula: check. Graphical enhancements and online play: super check!

I think they killed the franchise with this one. It's terribly bad. And it's unfortunate that the reviews were done in haste, and forgiving of the serious issues. And EA's announcement to put off DLC until the issues were fixed was a completely lie. DLC is coming out as scheduled, and the game has serious issues to

Me too. I was a fan of the first 2. And then i got into 360 very late and picked up a steelbook for about $9. I couldn't even last the first map, it was just so bland and outdated. Generations outdated.

I tried so much to love this game. I was such a Simpsons fan that i was convinced it was good. Even though I NEVER got past the second level.

I bought it and gave it about 30 minutes before calling it quits. I think Nintendo saw this game pretty much decided to sell Rare at that point.

Recently gigging through an old box of RCA and VGA cables (about 8-10 years stored), i found most, if not all of the silver-ish metal connectors to be corroded over with a whitish grey gunk. Some were salvageable. Others not. Gold plated ones were fine, including monster brand. Just the way the people who plated them