
So, what this guy is saying, that my phone unlock screen, which only gets in user's way when they are trying to do something else, should change constantly, and be more complicated? hmmm. design fail.

Compared to what?

Makes perfect sense since the American allows for that money to circulate in america, rather than hemorage into China, which it has been doing for years and why we are in this economic mess now.

Think of it being a tiny bit faster and more efficient.... times millions of calculations per second.

The fact that it took 3 years for MS and Sony to come up with motion sensing technology to hugely promote their systems, is proof that your statement is ignorant. Everything now is Kinect this... Move that, Touch this, dual display that. Why the F would that be you think?

Wow.. that was horrible.

US website. No one cares about your tea-sipping island.

I have used my optical drive 3 times in the last 2 years since I got my new desktop. And that was for the 3 times I had to reinstall windows :(


seems easier to read and identify that way to me.

7 years on a laptop? and you WONT buy again? You are in for a huge disappointment. haha.

I would agree... thought he iphone 5 is pretty nifty (if people's expectations weren't a revolution).

I never got this. Why not just a starwars game or just lotr game? Plays the same... just seems campy making it all out of legos.

Mounting massive people?

A friend forwarded me that pic the night Sandy hit NY. She said.. the subways have flooded. I said "that's an awfully clean flood for NYC and a lot of sunlight for the middle of the night."

Yeah.. pretty amazing a city with pretty much zero history of massive flooding doesn't have a multi-billion dollar flood prevention system like those that do.

Most smartphone graphing calc apps are half-assed pieces of junk and rarely have all the functions a tool like this has at the fingertips of the user.

I was thinking the same thing? Etsy? Hipsters?

I nearly shit when I saw that. I thought it was a parody. One of her cover photos was a double cheeseburger. lol

I went to a gas station once and they still had gas. Gas must not be selling well.