
Progress. Qandeel’s death brought change that will hopefully save many from facing similar situations. Hopefully.

Oh look, a feminist “man” whining about an internet commentor being “mean” to men on an article about the brutal murder of a woman.

You’re fucking kidding me, right? We’re supposed to feel for a murderer over his loss, which he himself caused? If anyone can actually make a conscious effort to defy the patriarchy and effect significant change in the culture, a powerful and privileged man who is literally a patriarch leads the pack. He is the

I am going to go out on a limb and guess that by “we”, Mr. Know It All means MRA douche canoes who have google alerts for any articles on Jezebel about rape, abuse or murder of women. There are always a certain number of them polluting the site with #whataboutthemenz

In other words, don’t get uppity or I will turn on you. Typical man.

Here in this country 2 women die a week under the hand of her partner

Honor killings committed by women are still committed for the benefit of men though. Let’s stop pretending that partriarchy is an abstract force that possesses people and recognize it for what it is: a system that works for a lot of people, and that a lot of people have a vested interest in perpetuating.

And yet they didn’t pull the trigger. An Islamic extremist did. It’s not good to want someone dead for being gay, but I think we can all agree it’s even worse to actually kill someone for being gay. There’s a bit of a difference.

I’m so pissed that I have to comment again.

With women like you, I’d wish you’d have to live in one of those islamic countries where time seems to stand still for a little while (not as a tourist though). You’d find out what being subservient really means for women in those countries.

Let me break this down for you (again):

I know a lot of homosexuals who go to church, and some who are even clergy in more moderate churches. There are obviously some very conservative churches and Christians in the US, but guess what, they aren’t going to straight up murder you for being gay (or for having an abortion). Fundamentalist Christians don’t want

If 91% of all cases happen within muslim families, doesn’t that paint a pretty clear picture about honor killings and religion? That’s like saying that rape is a gender neutral crime, just b/c a small fraction of all rapists are women. Placing the blame equally on men and women, when every sane person knows that not

Yes, because you hear about abortion clinic bombings and church shootings all the time right. When was the last time one of these things happened? Go ahead, I’ll give you a minute. Lets compare that to the ever growing horrors committed in the name of Islam. You’d be laughable if the subject weren’t something so

This study apparently hasn’t heard about all the mass non-muslim honor killings around the world either. /s

Read this, then go fuck yourselves.

I apologize, it’s only 91%:

Look, I don’t think Christianity is any better or safer for women, but that is conflating a lot of different kinds of misogyny and violence. I don’t think there’s any reason to act like being anti-choice or anti-gay is the same as literally strangling or beating someone to death.

Whole families convicting a woman to death cuz she doesn’t adhere to their atavistic views of decency vs a free society where women have the right to an abortion and contraceptives. Go to a christian church and tell the congegrates that you are planning to convert to another religion. Some might give you funnylooks,

Agree. I don’t look like Jennifer Aniston, but if she said “screw off, I’m not always at my lowest weight, your prying eyes are kinda creepy, and even if I gained many, many more pounds and were photographed in bad light, I’d still be awesome,” I’d still take that because the underlying message is that she - and all