
I’m terrible for suggesting that people who don’t pick up after their dogs deserve retribution? I think you suggesting I’m terrible makes you the terrible one. Ha!

I guess I’m going to be the dissenting voice here. I’ve been 30 for three months, and thus far, it sucks. I’m not where I wanted to be career-wise, I’m facing the prospect of essentially starting over with school, and all my friends are having babies. this has nothing to do with the fact that I’m in no position to

This is most horrible thing I can imagine and I can’t stop laughing. Literal tears. Humanity is a real, live shit show.

This really frustrates me about this site. It’s supposed to be feminist, but then if anything is written about a young white woman (REALLY not trying to race bait here, I promise) everyone just tears the her apart. The comments can be so sexist.


She was actually brilliant in Don Jon, Her, Vicky Cristina Barcelona, and hell, even in her Marvel films.

WTFH with all of the “Her?” comments? Yes: Her. She’s certainly not “less-good” an actress than the highest paid male actors. Perhaps she has great managment (or whatever the title is for the folks handling the financials)? Obviously, I have no clue how compensation is determined in that induatry; what I do know is

I think her acting is one-note, but good for her!

He’s a fucking dick. Half of the “amusing” things he does are just assholish. He is not nice. At all.

Eh, or you don’t engage because he’s a garbage bag filled with old fish carcasses.

Yeah he also beat his ex wife but who cares about that when he’s so #charming and #lolrandom.

Possible Unpopular Opinion: Bill Murray is not chill and not funny

I get that it’s meant to be sexy or impressive or whatever but ultimately a middle-ish aged man standing in front of a mirror in his underpants and socks, holding his own dick just reads as depressing to me. That is a melancholy moment. Excessive hashtags make this seem sadder.

You’re insane. I loved dolls when I was a kid and they were awesome as long as I did exactly what they told me to do.

It’s funny because I can’t think of one female genius who is known to be crazy. Marie Curie is probably one of the most intelligent human beings to ever exist and you never saw her intentionally trying to be crazy to prove she’s super smart.

I dont think Tracy Moore gets it.

Sort of off topic but I was talking to my friend about the Golden Girls the other day (as you do) and was like holy crap those cats were meant to only be in their 50s at the beginning of the show (minus Sophia)! And I'm like but they all acted sooooooo old, though. I mean don't get me wrong I love the Girls but your

I have one and it looks like there may be no more. We both have really small families and no one wants to have kids. We may just have to start a commune in our old age. I would be totally fine with that.

I'm 60. I don't know how the fuck I got here - especially since I had a heart attack and died when I was 48 - but here I am. Some days I rail and scream about the injustices of growing old and the deceits of the the flesh, and on other days, I revel in the fact that I'm a fount of knowledge because I've been paying

No doubt it's worse for women in our culture, but trust me, it sucks for men too. Just not quite as soon. Aging is just the worst. Yes, there are some perks (a little wisdom here, a little experience there), but what you gain in no way makes up for what you lose.