
I agree with you. I’ve noticed that criticism or mockery of Christian religions seems more...acceptable, for lack of a better word.

Yeah, I’m not sure where this “Well just ask Muslim women why THEY wear their hijab” argument keeps coming from, like there aren’t millions of Muslim women who left their respective countries specifically to escape the sexist culture. I dated a Persian guy for 4 years when I was younger and he had a mom who left Iran

No, America should be moving away from all religions. And, as quick as they can.

I agree with you that women are free to practice whatever religion they want, to wear a hijab if they want, and I think L’Oréal is being pretty business savvy with this ad.

I don’t know how the systematic oppression of women and promotion of purity culture somehow became a “feminist” cause (because people don’t want to seem racist). Women are banned from all sorts of activities for not wearing hijab, and yet it’s a “choice.” They hypocrisy of everyone here is staggering.

It’s interesting that the miniskirt became popular because it allowed women to break free from the modesty imposed through long dresses. “Luckily” the patriarchy is nothing if not adaptable and went straight to objectification.

It’s completely cool if a woman chooses to wear a hijab and feels happy and complete because of it. What really matters is what happens when she chooses to take it off.

amazing. well done.

Oh this is my favorite part, when everyone pretends the “purity culture” of hijab is feminist! And yet somehow Ashleigh Banfield/Catherine Deneuve/(whoever, that’s just this week) is an internalized mysogynist.

Islam, like all the Abrahamic faiths, is rooted in oppression, patriarchy, war and violence. Heck, the ongoing ritual genital mutilation of infant boys (known politely as circumcision and practiced in Islam and Judaism) is enough to make a reasonable person exclaim: “Are you mad?” to anyone who would force their child

I was raised a Catholic. One Sunday morning when I was nine, my family and I went to church . Before entering the church my dad told me to take off my baseball cap. “Why can’t I keep wearing it?” I asked, “mom keeps her hat on.” My dad replied, “That’s because women are not worthy of exposing their bare heads to god.”

She wears it because it’s the fashion for British women born before WW2. I’ve never seen younger old women doing that.

Endears them to those who believe God thinks that a man’s head is totally okay as it is created to show in public, whereas a woman...not so much.

She also has a history of very anti Isreal tweets calling it a “sinister and illegal state” and “child murders” among other things.

the above is an elderly woman who wears one because its cold, that is not the same as wearing 1 because your religion says that otherwise men get horny

in fact the reason for her lackluster hair could be caused by her wrapping it in cloth most of the day

not really yeah there are some, but most are in middle east.

For hair so beautiful, it must be covered, lest a man be stirred to lust.

How are we to tell if this product works , she could be bald under there , we’ll never know.

In her brief clip, Khan states, “Whether or not your hair is on display doesn’t affect how much you care about it.”