
It’s also weird how the shows have LF as being responsible for sending the padfoot to murder Bran, which really sparks the whole thing, rather than it being a dumbass move by Joff.

There are subtle things I’m clinging to that are allowing me to maintain this interpretation: When Sansa is poking around Arya’s room, Arya shows up completely silently. So she is able to do that, but chooses to pick a lock, noisily, and open a door, loudly, when Littlefinger is watching?

Well okay then.

Exactly. Siblings holding grudges for years and saying horrible things to each other isn’t something unusual.

I don’t agree with the ‘nonsensical female rivalry’ thing, though. The changes in Arya, I hesitate to call it growth, were obvious to anyone who knew her prior to Ned Stark’s death at King’s Landing. The older Sansa is much less outwardly changed. I think viewers forget that Arya hasn’t been watching the past 6

I was convinced they were working together the whole time. Littlefinger had spies or lurked in the shadows himself so they staged several arguments to draw him out and admit what he was trying to do.

Remember this, everyone?

There is nothing to apologize for. The Llamas are a very forgiving group of animals.

As a llama, I would like to state that we, the llama community, do not have any association with Mr. Llamas and condemn any spitting in victims’ faces. For the record, we’re also not cool with all the Nazis that have been running around lately either.

For real. Yesterday someone on MSNBC was talking to a man from the national guard, they were broadcasting the call. The reporter asked if the national guard guy had any important messages to convey- his answer was, “DON’T SHOOT. If people are in stores taking food and supplies, they are in survival mode, and we’re

On a related note:

Apparently, what those “looters” should’ve done is to open a store and then loot their customers.

Fuck the jaywaders. They deserve what’s coming to them.

And it’s not like the store’s insurance is going to do anything but total the entire contents of the store rather than nickel and diming, looking for every can of tomato sauce and copy of In Style that can still be sold.

What about jaywaders?

As if the cops could resist getting to lay down the law on some poor people.

What’s even worse is that he posted on Friendster that he set up a traffic cam and was sending the police photos of all of the jaywalkers and jayswimmers.

I feel like the cops / coast guard should’ve gone “yeah, people desperate for clean water and food during a natural catastrophe will do that,” and then hung up.

Typical of a Llama to spit in the face of victims.

Yup, wouldn’t want people you know, trying to FUCKING SURVIVE during a national disaster.