
Huge fan of Lana Del Rey - even her pre-Lana stuff - but this is the worst thing she's ever put out, by a distance.

As somebody who recommended the movie more than once on here, I'll definitely be watching to find out - but nah, I'm just not putting any weight in the reviews.

I could never have guessed this review grade. Such a shocking turn of events AV Club.

Oh god, this the whitest review I've ever read.

Damn, Sarah was repulsive at Tribal. The lengths she went to to make it about her. When she talked about HER metamorphosis, and how proud she was of HERSELF, I wanted to throw something.

If your company drug tests, that really sucks, sorry about that.

Race baiting? Oh honey…

One of his best lines ever. Succinct and infinitely quotable.

Some of the comments on this review - and parts of the review itself - remind me of something a friend of mine said.

Welcome to black men. Is this your first encounter with us? And I'm talking just about everyone from the hood brothers to the woke af white boy wannabe you follow on Twitter.

I'm screaming. This might be the worst website on the Internet.

smh netflix…. smdh

Simpsons quote
It can be two things
The MRAs are coming
White feminism
Liberal commenters preach to me, a black woman, about how random network sitcom NEEDS diversity
Community notification for this
Here come the MRAs
Penis joke
It can be two things
Here come the MRAs
Liberal commenters patronize

Seeing pretty much every dude on my timeline throwing a shitfit over Michonne being with Rick gives me life and made this episode worthwhile.

Horribly racist avatar….Literally what? It's Harriet Tubman. I'm a black female. You couldn't be further off base.

Buzzfeed shading 'hyper partisan' websites.

At least his pro-Pedophillia stance should ensure he gets a writing job at Salon.

Unfortunately, due to my job, I have to watch his videos (and others like him).

Unfortunately, due to my job, I have to watch his videos (and others like him).

This is the level we've reached.