
This is even more of a bad idea than the PSAs and music videos.

Buzzfeed should never have shown weakness after printing the story. Even once they found out they'd most probably fucked up, all they had to do was stay strong and admit nothing.

I'm glad that CBS has realized just how gross Training Day would be in our modern climate - not that the original wasn't - and has decided to reflect reality and make the White cop corrupt.

Insert le epic 'evil 2016 xD' maymay here

Diversity…every white liberals fav topic.

This is hilarious. I actually know this girl, and she's got the 'entitled white chick' act down to an art form.

Obviously, the accusations are abhorrent…but I find it really, really gross and kinda telling how much journalists - and let's be honest, it's mostly white journalists - are competing to be outraged over this.

Thanks, I'm going to check that out tonight!

I think this is the episode I check out. Not that it was necessarily the worst episode, or even a bad episode…I just feel like the show is never going to move out of the corny, issue of the week, plotting.

Feeling betrayed by white liberals. Never should have expected better from whites tbh. Guess it's my own fault for thinking white feminists actually might care about us a tiny bit. Worst people on earth.

Wayne is an extremely smart man, which makes the characterization of him in this article as some sort of incoherent buffoon, feel a little icky.

Truly a classic example of White Feminism from their Queen.

The Google Search thing is due to their standard algorithm and the location you're searching from. The most popular English language story was about her being mistaken for Coco. Because we don't generally talk about the President of Croatia. Google it in Croatian and it returns normal search results.

Phew. There hasn't been a Trump newswire in almost 18 hours. I was starting to get really worried.

"Everyone has to think and act exactly like me or they're literally Hitler. And I'll make sure to tell everyone about how Hitler-y they are so they can see I'm a good person."

Oh yeah, I guess this was the 'today's neo-PC satire' that Paul Simms talked about?

People losing their shit about this episode being transphobic, others doing mental gymnastics to insist it in no way wasn't, the rest of us alternating between busting a gut and staring open-mouthed at this absolute masterpiece of an episode.

The Trump Club

I'm pretty much the 'target audience' for this one, but I just wasn't feeling it. Watched the first two episodes and just felt no real connection to the characters - which is strange, because that aspect should have been a home run - and, because of that, it all just felt a bit aimless and naval gazing to me.

Why would it be?