
This so has been the first time in my adult life as a black woman that I've felt genuinely unsafe, and it's because of crazy extremists on both sides - usually privileged, middle to upper class whites - winding each other up and watching the flames get higher.

I'm pretty sure white liberals are fixing to get me killed.

These last two episodes getting straight A grades are a dark moment for the AV Club.

I think you'd be hard pressed to find men who don't like teenage girls…as in 18.19 etc.

…and she's white.

Is Kesha this year's designated 'white woman singing garbage pop songs written by team of male writers is lowkey empowering af. Check my thinkpiece'?

All of these new Lana songs have been garbage so far. Lust For Life is the worst, closely followed by Groupie Love and Summer Bummer. Love is like Lana by numbers…just…eh…

How far the AP has fallen…

Caution: Fragile

If this show becomes 'white folk are evil and despicable - let me show you the ways' The Show…I might actually be able to get on board.

How many did you do this week 20 years ago? Because that's essentially what this study asks it's participants.

The Atlantic article was published in 2015, not today.

Awards shows are so oh-oh-oh

I post a lot on the Lipstick Alley forums and interracial relationships are pretty much THE hot button issue over there. Nothing causes as much controversy.

Wow, you couldn't have picked a vlogging family much more shrouded in scandal if you tried…at least now that DaddyO is gone.

How the fuck you - you of all places, given the excellent attitudes and writing about Dr Luke, Casey Affleck, Chris Brown and others - have this woman on your show and on your site?

The accusation wasn't withdrawn. Paula copped a plea deal to have the (four) charges disappear. The girl maintained what happened throughout.

Yaaas….performative corporate wokeness.

Katy Perry - the absolute embodiment of white feminism.

On an unrelated note, any chance of a story about Colbert - who, when criticizing Trump, despite having 'rapist', 'bigot' and any number of other accurate put downs to pick from - he chooses to go with 'lol ur fat and gay…gross right?'.