
To celebrate Columbus Day, I have discovered a mall in my town! I am naming it “Queen Mary Mall”. The people at the mall seem to think it already had a name, but *I* discovered it! I mean, there were a lot of people milling around - but *I* had never been there before!

Also, I would be willing to bet five Schrutebucks that the majority of dudes know exactly what these social cues mean. They are choosing to ignore them because they think that the social contract doesn’t apply to them in cases where the other signee of said contract is female.

I was really hoping someone would be so self-involved as to turn a larger issue into an anecdote about a unique personal experience that does nothing to change any of the points made in the post. Thanks!

A book of the week or month that is offered a discount to readers to purchase.

I wonder what the population of women in women-only prisons is? I bet it's higher.