
Charming.... With your awesome attitude and winning personality, I’m sure you just bowl ‘em over at the charm school. Wah...all men are assholes...wah....don’t stereotype exemplify an instant stereotype. Congrats sybann, you win all the prizes. Now sit down, the adults are talking....

Yep, “it’s” never had a problem getting a date and doesn’t need to troll or scare women. “It’s” also got an education, a fair view of the world, and no need to generalize or belittle people for the sake of jumping on a bandwagon. Best o’ luck to ya!

Some of us do. Please don’t generalize. I’m sorry to hear her story and what she experienced and yes, some guys are horrible. In all fairness, some women are also.

Yes. YES. A thousand times, YES!

Yes, and so should you. Even better than deep dunking them in peanut oil, there are greaseless fryers on the market that provide the same results, sans the mess and hassle. Enjoy!

Still looking for those droids, man....

So glad you beat me to this. I think I twitched so hard at my desk after reading this comment that I popped a blood vessel in my eye.

“bleating twatwaffle” has now become my phrase o’ the week.