
My girlfriends grandfather once asked me if I had a cock. I told him yes and sat there for a full minute awkwardly making minimal eye contact. He got up and brought back a Coke. That language barrier can fuck up any conversation.

I hope this won’t effect his ability to point out what his teammates are doing wrong...

And yet the most interfering thing Drake has ever done was lint rolling his sweater in the third quarter of a Raptors’ game.

Yeah - how strange is it that he bolted up the stairs, leaving her 20 steps back to catch up?

It has nothing to do with the interference call. Look at that girl’s reaction. I know a sidepiece when I see one.

Baseball: where fans are deliberately placed to where they can potentially interfere with the play.... then get kicked out of the game for interfering with the play, as if the possibility of it happening never even occurred to anyone before.

Tiny Catcher: Goddamnit, that was my ride home.

Yesterday’s “god-dammit, kids” are today’s “god-dammit, adults.”

My favorite part was when he threw it in reverse around 25 seconds in

I don’t know, I was marveling at how “floaty” that car was. Is that normal?


Buying a Honda Insight is still the worst decision he’s ever made, a problem somehow solved by the second worst decision he’s ever made.

This is why you will never break out of the local market, Steve-o. Here, see, this is how a correspondent on a network’s national show gets this done:

“I can’t swim! I can’t swim!”


It can’t be news to Reggie that the best players get preferential treatment.

I told him on twitter that he was proof of evolution because he obviously came from a snake and got blocked :(

What’s the over/under on how many Thanksgivings Curt has ruined? He’s 48, so I’m going to put it at 20.