Windows haters gotta hate... Tiresome.
Windows haters gotta hate... Tiresome.
I'm with you, XBMC on Rasberry Pi+AirPlay+iPhone/iPad=WHole house audio and Video!
I'll let you have your skinny jeans if, and only if, you don't where them around your thighs with your ass hanging out...
I agree with the no soap thing.
I have two Silicondust dual tuners, and I just installed two new roof antennas (less than $100 total), and now my system is super rockin'. No cable for 4 years!
Did the same, Telly is pretty cool, a little buggy, but cool.
This stone you speak of, is it of the Styrofoam variety?
I had Haro Knee pads with Brock Beads, I guess similarish?
Awesome headline, and sadly, no, it will not make a sound.
I don't know about you, but I haven't seen micro usb to be very durable. They always get loose, and I wouldn't want that on my primary machine, that I will be using for a few years.
13" may be a tad large, although I would love it. I need a screen the size of a piece of paper. I use the iPad almost exclusively for PDF annotating, and cropping and zooming gets tiresome. (Wacom stylus support would rock too)
As I am researching tablets for my BoD, smaller isn't something I am remotely interested in.
"Nobody can't miss at that distance." So, in other words, "everybody can miss."
I have been waiting to see what Google would do with their SageTV purchase, could this be it?
I see the r/c plane in a couple of shots, I but I want to see the footage! Maybe it sucked :(
I've made a huge mistake.
Agreed, they can refuel while everyone is resting, they are quiet, easy on the environment.... The benefits go on and on.