
BMW X3 M40i, replaced my 2015 335. Needed a little more space, but still wanted the power. It’s the perfect vehicle for me. I wanted to go electric next year, but with the demise of the tax credit (for any vehicle I wanted), I’ll keep this a little longer. Then we’ll see what happens.

And I’m on my 3rd BMW with the same interface. I never use the touchscreen, always the click wheel. And I’m almost excusively in CarPlay.

Audi SQ5

I’ve been saying for years that this is the only real solution. Need universal, swappable batteries. Then EVs would be just as convenient as gas cars. Swing into a station, 3 min later you’re on the move again.

Isuzu Impulse

My 3rd car (bought in 1992) was a 1991 2 door, 4.0 liter Cherokee Sport. It had beautiful Alloy wheels and a fifth Alloy wheel on a swing arm behind the trunk. It was beautiful. I drove it for 16 years, approx 300,000 miles (speedometer stopped working at 90,000). It was the perfect vehicle. I miss it every day.

My taught me to fill up at the end of the day, ”feels so good to start the day with a full tank” he’d say.

It only infuriates me slightly (just slightly!) that the cladding around the wheel arches don’t connect with the cladding along the bottom of the car.”

You make we want to bring back from the dead! Paper, is that you?  :)

So nice to read some truth for a change, makes me want to bring back from the dead...

This makes up for the Halo ruining the roll hoop camera!

100% agree! Haven’t pulled the stitching in my pockets for 20+ years.

I’m pretty sure I imagined a pretty big catastrophe when they unveiled that abortion of a car.

Screw Tony Gearge, and the money train he road in on. The sport has been dead for almost decade.

Can’t wait to hear what the lads on Top G... Oh wait, I’m sad now.

I was looking for "wings."

Multirow Bookmarks!! Firefox FTW!

Sad commentary on the state of our English language that bursted is actually now considered a correct past tense of burst... Still sounds asinine though.

Not really, I think it's a matter of compiling the software to run on ARM instead of x86.

I am "champing" at the bit to get away from Giz. This site is over, bye bye.