
Agreed, can't wait for PC's to catch up to phones...


Massive Props!

# corrections

Wasn't the SR-71 supposed to be the replacement for the U-2?

Thought it said Bumm on the top...

Cool and all, but I really just want a WMC replacement. This does everything but DVR. Until a box comes out with support for ATSC, DVR, Local and Web streaming, I'll stick with my WMC/XBMC setup...

How long do you think Netflix will use silverlight? Isn't MS killing it off? Also, since siverlight must only be used as a wrapper (since iOS devices get streaming) maybe something can be spoofed to work with this new media center..

Pictures or it didn't happen.

To be honest, I never really cared.

"So she spin the company off. Realizing it wasn't quite in the position to bring a product to market on its own, Xerox spun off"

The Moops!

"knew it would have an huge impact"

Ohhh, nasty! Nooo! People pay for that?

Add "but if you're used a computer"...

I get my Mythbusters fix through Netflix. Been off cable for 4 years now, so I have a lot of catching up to do... Good Eats though, :(

Screen size must be a minimum of 1024x768 (netbook screens need not apply). Metro UI doesn't work on the 600 px netbook screen.

I just blue myself.

So if I'm doing the math right, and I'm probably not, isn't that like $30 per person? Not a huge deal if you ask me. Bet my bill goes up more than that though...