That same cable is probably what is holding the chopper up on what's left of its tail.
That same cable is probably what is holding the chopper up on what's left of its tail.
They got Gizmodo'd...
Folio? Will it run webOS...Oh no it won't, such a shame.
I was going to post the same thing. Really, what's the point?
No look at your man... Now look at me...
My battery life on my iPhone 4 has definitely gone down since I uograded to iOS 5, maybe by about 10-15%.
Not to mention the most insecure app! I hate dealing with the Adobe security holes...
No, no, its Sarcoidosis!
I did the same math, NYT got something wrong here...
I'm with you Mat, I was ready to plunk down some cash on two of these babies. Now I will get one to upgrade my wife's 3gs, but I will seriously look at windows mango or android for this round. I am kind of bored with iOS, and my iPhone 4 (all 3 of them) has been fairly disappointing for most of its life (amazing…
No it isn't.
Same as my old Netbook, I didn't like this resolution on that or the Nook Color. Too narrow to browse vertically (and very small text) and too shallow to browse horizontally.
Crap resolution, not interested.
I'm waiting for the chicken bowl. I will not be satisfied until I get it! Wait, steak bowl you say? Now we may be on to something...