
I like the Barnes and Noble magazine metaphor, with the full page pdf and the Article View pop up. Of course I like best on the iPad, 7 inches is just too small for magazines.

I've been climbing for 20 years, and that video gave me chills. I take rock any day...

Are Reed Hastings and Leo Apotheker buddies?

My house could be made of poo? No, your house is made of poo!

"Copyright, Do Not Copy!"

"although this requires to be subscribed to their cable channels through select providers."

Wish it had a pencil option, I don't tend to sketch in ball point pen. Guess I could though.

It's mine!


Bless the sun, the rain no more

We're on the train to Bangkok

It's simple, the device didn't have the user base for developers to be interested in it, so it was worthless. Now, with the fire sale, the user base is much, much bigger. I would guess some developers will continue to finish their projects, and may even make some decent money out of this deal. Some may even jump on

This site seems like it is written by fourth graders... and has for some time now.

What happens when a surfer takes a header, and the fin-sled runs them into the sea floor?

Due to the lack of steam in the video, my guess is that we are also seeing the EMALS (Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System):

So, I guess Nick lost the bet?

If Apple starts supporting a stylus, will you retract your "ugh?"

That was awesome!


Actually a rip off of the InCase Magazine jacket, which Apple ripped off.