
Not in a million years... Talk about stage fright!

Ding, ding, ding, we have a winner!

Exactly what I was thinking!

I agree, just reuse the glass Snapple bottles instead..

I'm afraid that I just blue myself.

They're still making Playbooks?

Thought the same thing...


It actually works very nicely. I won't read this much, but I can see others emulating this approach.

One of my problems is that OSX doesn't grid the icons, you end with layers of icons overlapping on the desktop. Just looks very un-apple.

Flame away, but doesn't windows already give us full screen apps with the maximize button?

A great TED video on this:

You could use an HD camera to pan the object, then extract stills... Maybe that would be less invasive to passersby.


Everything right is wrong again

Now playing

If you haven't seen it, Netflix this immediately.. Even my wife loved it.

Agreed, hate the serif on screen!

The real reason the Courier was cancelled, screens got stuck together...