
@Serolf Divad: Agreed, 4:3 is way more comfortable on the larger tablets, especially in portrait mode (my preferred way of using a tablet).

Greatest game of all time!!!

Oh yeah, cankles!

There is nothing unscientific about refusing a blood transfusion. The latest studies have shown that human blood is "dead" after it has been stored, and can no longer effectively carry oxygen. It is no more effective than saline solutions, and in fact carries with it more complications.

Holy crikey!!! Maybe I'll actually get a BD player now... Or maybe I'll just torrent the BD Rips... Oh the choices!

@Cabs21: I do the same thing, my mind works way faster than I can write by hand.

@iHamAndCheese: No, they are all asses. If you chose to be employed by the very agency that is in the forefront of stomping on the bill of rights (not to mention a complete and utter waste of taxpayer $$), then you are an ass. TSA sucks.

I am by no means an authority on grammar, but I can seriously hardly read the site anymore. The little mistakes in many, many posts just screams amateur. The writing is almost as bad as the new layout (that still doesn't work), but not quite.

It's brake, not break. I am really losing my patients (<—- see what I did there) with this place...

64-bit?? Don't see it..

And available on Alibaba next week...

The new gizmodo. Nuff said.

Agreed!!! Hate that shizzle.

And a subway "store" can be in a gas station. In fact, is there any such thing as a Subway that isn't in a strip mall or gas station? At least McD's has standalone properties, in prime locations.

And a subway "store" can be in a gas station. In fact, is there any such thing as a Subway that isn't in a strip mall or gas station? At least McD's has standalone properties, in prime locations.