
I think I really like where these publications are headed. Yes, I can get everything in the browser, but I don't want to anymore. I like the idea of the interactive, video-centric take on a magazine.

I love how Brits call Business Ventures "schemes," makes it sound evil ;)

This isn't news. I could care less. Bring on the turkey, preferably in nugget form.

What I hate more than the act of getting groped or cancerfied, is the cash it took to set all this crap up in the first place.

@bender123: Agreed, then I will consider this... Gingerbread would rock this thing.

"You're talking about speeds of "up to a gigabit a second" in a

@MaWeiTao: Agreed, right side is generations better, one extra line of info too.

Don't forget the Wanamaker's Monorail...

The junk in the crotch looks really disturbing...

@Josh Chan: Crap, I just posted the same thing, this is not a new invention at all.

Nice application, but the idea was patented in 1996 known as the Zeer Pot:

MKV, nada...

Was that lame, he asked? Yes, very.

@corsair130: Same here, it didn't take long either. I just finished upgrading my whole organization to Win7, and I love it! XP seems sooo old and haggard now, funny how that happens.


No, I will never forgive him.

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