
Didn't know this. Thanks!

Larger crumple zone.

I think this and many upcoming fighting vehicles are technologically scaleable. You could give it an Occulus Rift/F-35 like helmet mounted display and you could virtually see right through it, or even a 3D capable display with associated glasses, although windows are KISS solution when things don't go right and tech


Also, maybe a long-time big-rig trucker can answer this, but why is it that these trucks only seem to stall on train tracks for maximum carnage?

Momentum can be a bit of a bitch sometimes.


Best. Road railer. Ever.

In China he only has to bribe the Government once, in America he has to bribe all 50 States. That is tiring don't you know.

Looks like them Duke boys are about to be paralyzed from the neck down.

dems turbo noises.

WOW it sounds like an old group B car on the rundown.