
I just wanted to jump in and say thanks for understanding that people like me love the game. Its not for everyone (and it appears not for most). But someone like me actually enjoys it. Most just accuse me of being a fanboy (not so much) or get really accusatory while asking exactly what it is that I like.

Ill admit, i enjoyed typing that in and seeing BOOBE in my calc :D

From what i read elsewhere (cause its not quoted here, EDIT: is now, guess I should pay attention to the “Updating...” tag more :D ) at $999 for the i5, this isnt the model to compete with that market for sure.

For anyone thinking about it, I have the MX Master, replaced my (Very old) MX1000. I love the mouse, its large but I got used to the mx1000.

For anyone thinking about it, I have the MX Master, replaced my (Very old) MX1000. I love the mouse, its large but I

I honestly have never been one of those to bitch, but seriously... what is this article? Is this the direction of the re-org?

not to get into semantics, but its not “most of them” its less than half. It is still a shit situation but exaggeration on either side doesn’t help one’s cause

touche... you win with that response, I dunno my typo... and don’t care to look :D

You know... the caps make it hard to read... honestly im not 100% sure what you are saying, and after a few readings I GIVE UP

at 1800 mAh this is useless. I completely fail to see the point of this other than the “that one fits in this one” situation

at 1800 mAh this is useless. I completely fail to see the point of this other than the “that one fits in this one”

yeah, this is literally like 10 lines of code. I have the pi and the relay. No real use for this device but could work even with the pi zero, relay, and a few small adapters. maybe $15 total

So besides the fact that its obviously fake due to the fact you can see the green screen in his glasses. Beyond that though, the last thing I want to do to a smart mirror is touch it...

Well as someone who has the 300gb cap that I go over (in 50gb chunks) about 2-4 times a month this is a welcome change. I understand people don’t love the caps, and neither do I, but this cap seems more realistic for my households usage, and I consider us heavy usage.


could you provide some documentation on this specifically? Its important when making a point to have some research conducted by a third party so we can evaluate for ourselves.

You actually cannot go into another email server and delete an email even if you sent it. The court order was for the receiving company (Google) to go in and manually delete it.

FYI, if you MUST have an open ftp server (please don’t let write access) you can use robots.txt to force honest search engines from indexing you. Again, its not much, but would keep google out of your drive

honestly i still don't know what kinja is, i assume its just the self blog area behind the user account system? It seems more obvious why I don't know much when its a UX concern as well.

I'll admit, your comment made me really rethink the article. While I don't agree with the whole premise that nothing major has happened since 1971, while reading your reply I do seem to agree that the advances that were made are the most amazing, they really lack the (as you state) "pioneer" aspect.

The claim of do-it-all is really underwhelming. While I initially was thinking this could be a nice thing to try. In reality all it does is open beers and hold my phone, and i guess if you care block rfid hacking.

I think you missed the point of his comment, the whole thing that makes messaging apps useful is widespread adoption. So if someone doesn't know what it is ... well that generally means its not widely adopted.