if you want innovators in this space, where the heck are Devo and The Residents? Laurie Anderson?
if you want innovators in this space, where the heck are Devo and The Residents? Laurie Anderson?
yeah, if you want a driving in a car video, i’d go for randy newman’s “i love L.A.”
No Captain Beefheart “Ice Cream for Crow.” No Residents. No Devo.
This. The choreography sucks, very little thought to imagery - everything in it is so effing litteral - and the colors make my teeth hurt.
Huge miss not including any Bjork on here, especially the work she did with Michel Gondry. She really innovated in this space and the medium.
Hot For Teacher is the greatest video of all time.
Uh, you actually do have explicit permission to call him Al.
I don’t get why I’m Still Standing gets so much love.
I’m with you on the Replacements.
Not one Devo song? They practically invented music video. Devolution is real. Disqualified.
This is missing two (IMO) classics, “Don’t Call Me Al” and “Love Shack”. It seems like those videos were everywhere when I was a kid.
Friendly reminder to all that reflexively blaming the Democrats for literally not being perfect is something a GOP consultant came up with.
Right, the Smucker’s Natural peanut butter doesn’t have added sugar. I think it is the best and was really surprised to see it ranked so poorly.
It’s the only one I can find that doesn’t have palm oil added. But, it’s also the best tasting. The big 3 of Jif, Skippy, and Peter Pan - they’re all vile and too sweet. I grew up on skippy and now I can’t stomach it. Way too creamy.
Yeah, it’s my go to for any Thai-inspired keto recipe (they tend to involve a decent amount of natural peanut butters)
The natural Smuckers is what we buy at my house. I think it’s great on a PB&J, in the aforementioned recipes, and in a peanut butter banana smoothie. It worked for me all around, and I agree with Knappsterbot, that it is roasty, and nice.
I’m really not sure what they’re complaining about with the Smuckers, it’s a fine natural peanut butter that’s nice and roasty, not burnt.
I can’t speak to the taste of Smucker’s Natural on its own or on a peanut butter sandwich. But I have used it in recipes calling for PB without any sugar or sweeteners, like a peanut sauce for tofu stir fry. With spices, lime juice, and other ingredients it tastes perfectly fine.
Once I stopped eating sweetened peanut butter, I found that for me unsweetened salted peanut butter is far superior. You end up with just a delicious salty peanutty flavor, bonus points if it’s crunchy.
No Grosse Pointe Blank, Dazed and Confused, or Valley Girl?