Sears Poncho

This was my first thought but I think it may not be correct because the rock is denser than water. While in the canoe, it is displacing water based on it’s weight pressing down on the canoe, but once you throw it in, it displaces water solely based on its volume. So if it weighs a kilogram but has a volume of only 100

It’s well known by now that Rita Coolidge wrote the piano part that he claimed credit for on Layla.

Literally everyone knows this - it’s been public for decades.

What does she have for proof about Allen’s actions?

Modelo Chelada FTW. My blood pressure probably hates me, though.

Put that thing back where it came from or so help me!

How did you get out of the greys?

Last of Us had a fantastic story, full of heart and drama, and it was incredibly well-acted. 

I know it’s not technically a trilogy, but the comparison you want to make is with the last two Avengers movies. Infinity War has absolutely no dramatic tension whatsoever. None. It only serves as a placeholder. There are magic MacGuffins in play that make it super obvious that there’s no reason for any death (or

I replayed Wolfenstein this weekend, the one where you have to go through a Concentration camp and see London covered on swatstikas.

What is this from???

Sweet Jesus, you’re exactly right:


Yeah your opinions crap, he stole the ball with great defense and then took it straight to the goal by himself and stuffed it in the far corner. The header speed and location was also great and no one was marking him because he was outside the box and not tall. Second goal was a little luck but he took it straight to

Howdy officer. Beat any minorities today? Fuck the cops and anyone who cooperates with them. And the lily white peckerwoods who argue for snitching. You upvvote this shit you’re rat fink scum

Live was just so earnest. Sooooo Earnest. Makes them easy to mock, and I agree that they were better than how they’re remembered.

Oh dear. Bush to Live is a massive step sideways.

with you on Bush sucking (band and Presidents!) but dear Lord Live is a steaming heap too. I ALONE LOVVVVE YOU, get over yourself, shitbag.

This season is just not working for me.

"Dear?" I got buddies that died face down in the mud so that you could school me on cinematic diners.