
Now I'm just picturing the same arrogance from other hacks.

In the late '80's I moved to a small town called Mercer Island just outside of Seattle to live with my aunt and her three daughters. I had just gotten out of one of those "troubled kids" institutions that I still blithely refer to as a reform school, and needed to enough credits to graduate.

You should really piss up a rope, liberalsaredelusional.

I love reading Miss Manners on the subject. "Should I tell my friend she's fat?" "Why? Do you think she hasn't noticed?" If you see something wrong with someone's appearance, the rule is that you can mention it only if the person can immediately fix the problem. Since no one is going to step into another room and

Shared this with a friend from across the country who actually works at a comics shop and also happens to be black, and has many amusing stories about casual nerd racism. He had a pretty good comment I'm going to paraphrase here.

Him: "Okay, so if my shop had a room that everyone called 'dead nigger storage', think

I was going for the parallel... Locking your bike or not does not change the fact that if your bike is stolen, the person who stole it is a bike thief. Being drunk / dressing "slutty" / not taking the right "safety measures" does not change the fact that if someone has sex with you against your will, it is rape. The

This. I remember the first time I was cat-called. I was out with friends. We were 12. I was terrified. I was even more terrified when one of my girlfriends decided to throw a handful of small stones at them while yelling "We are children! We just paid $5 each to see a G rated movie because we are god damn children!"

Not essential items? I say for 1 month all women boycott menstral products. We don't wear 'em. We leave pools of blood on subway seats, clots on the seats in restaurants, and splotches on the benches in malls and parks. Yup we walk around with big red stains on our clothes, we bike around with blood trickling down

And thank the gods! If men weren't there to open the door, I'd just be left out there for eternity, a bit like Cathy's ghost in Wuthering Heights. HEATHCLIFF! OPEN THE FUCKING DOOR!

Nah, you're mixed up. Men just *think* the shit they have to deal with is difficult. Throw most guys into the high heels of a woman carrying the second shift while dealing with period cramps and they'd curl up into manly little balls.

I feel like, if you are looking into surrogacy, you should make it clear in the contract before inserting fertilized eggs that you have no interest in raising any potential disabled children, so that the surrogate knows going into it that she might have to abort, keep the disabled child, or give it up for adoption.

The Driscolls of the world filter their interpretation of the Bible through something called gender complementarianism, which is espoused by "average Joe" Christians (who may or may not be familiar with the gender complementarian label but who share the same views on gender none the less), as well as groups devoted

Here are a few thoughts from me, an Oklahoma pastor:

I once lived with a douchecanoe extraordinaire (who once declared living with me had made him realize he "could never marry a feminist") who informed me that he liked me best when I was listening to him, and liked me least when I was talking. The sentence before this one had been that I was "clearly very smart but

I found that in main stream culture men treat the emotional availability of women the same way they treat the sexual availability of women. When there's no sign that they'll ever be deprived those things are not a big deal and women are the only ones who think they are because women all soft and needy (not like super

Yeah. The thing about the anti-choice crowd is that they really are anti-choice. They're equally unsupportive for women who do decide to have and raise their babies, unless they're straight and married.

But "pro-life" is misleading and "anti-choice" is accurate. A pro-choice person can be personally pro-life, in that they would never choose abortion and would counsel their friends to choose to continue the pregnancy. Some people think that abortion should remain legal, and the choice should be up to women, even if

I'm not a feminist. I believe everyone should just do whatever the fuck they want to do provided it doesn't infringe on anyone else or their rights.

Can you be more specific? Like, what exactly do they say? "Hey you in the skirt? Way to set back the women's movement! Buy some pants!" I mean, I'm really trying to imagine how this goes down as I've never seen anything like it. I've seen a man eat a whole head of cauliflower on the bus, while crying silently. I've