
Busty lady and I work at a University. In a previous position I was told that my attire was inappropriate. I didn’t understand, I was wearing fitted (not tight) blouses and they weren’t low-cut, not exactly sexy attire.

When we had to write persuasive papers in 7th or 8th grade, one of my friends at the time went around asking guys if they thought shoulders were sexy and then wrote her paper on why dress codes are dumb. She also liked to purposefully break dress codes in protest. At the time, I thought she was nuts but in retrospect

The fact that he's checking out teenage girls and then acting like its their fault is line textbook male privilege in the worst way. I'm sorry that happened and sorry that it happens still

ugh, that gross feeling when, as a teen, you realize that your male teachers and administrators must be looking at your body, probably inappropriately. I remember once being taken aside by the guidance counselor and told I had to wear my coat for the rest of the day because our male principal had come to her and taken

When I was a teenager, I thought for sure that at some point I would just get old enough that something in my head would click, and all of a sudden I would understand and subscribe to the rationale underlying the completely bullshit dresscodes imposed upon young women in school.

I dunno, I kind of prefer my racists to be openly, disgustingly racist. Then I can just avoid interacting with them. You ever have someone spring racism on you? Like you’re having a delightful conversation and then a racial slur comes out of them like an alien chestburster? Ugh, I hate that.

Love this official response from Girl Scouts of Central Texas:

Mayor Steve Adler’s response, “These kinds of stereotypes about women are hurtful and wrong. Not Austin values.”

“Daddy, why are you such a dick?”

Wow! By the same logic, I can generalize all the things I learned by talking to my 3 yo nephew to all adult male politicians. Hmmm... okay, that would mean men throw temper tantrums when they don’t get what they want, refuse to urinate and defecate in socially acceptable places and have trouble with abstract concepts.

Sorry you had to learn to “patiently” communicate with your daughter when she tries to talk to you. Sounds like you’ve got a tough fucking life Dude. Can you imagine? Having to answer questions from your kid and a GIRL much less?

More than the jury, I fault the district attorney's office. Presumably, the jury was following instructions given by the judge (and drafted/negotiated by both sides) and the evidence presented may have supported those instructions (we can't know unless we followed the trial AND saw the jury instructions) but the

She's an adult female, of course her life would be valued less than a probably not viable fetus. What crazy world do you live in where actual adult human women are considered to have value for reasons other than acting as incubators?

Feticide laws were written to actually protect pregnant women. If you do something to harm a pregnant woman and she miscarries, you get a harsher sentence. Or if you murder a pregnant woman, you get a harsher sentence. Using them against the pregnant women themselves is just sickening to me. I never thought we should

There are so many things wrong with this event that I lose count. Somebody miscarries; doesn't know what to do; for whatever reason doesn't go to a hospital; disposes of the miscarriage in a dumpster, then has to go get medical help. And ... thanks, doc, for noting the umbilical cord and making, literally, a criminal

Every time I read Sojourner Truth's early 1850s speech "Ain't I a Woman?" I'm also reminded that she was making an argument for women's rights based on gender equality, not gender difference. White feminists for many decades continued to argue the party line that gender difference, specifically women's supposed unique

Okay, let me get slightly personal here: There was a period in my life when right after I graduated and my student insurance lapsed but before my job insurance kicked in. To keep getting my BC pills, I had to go to a Planned Parenthood. Now, I am a progressive Christian. I don't like the idea of abortion for me (I

But this child isn't being denied touch. She's being given the right to say that, at that particular moment, she doesn't want to be touched.

Her daughter isn't avoiding touch. Her daughter is touching on her terms. That sounds healthy to me.

Eh, I would call myself a skeptic too, but I do all kinds of things that are more emotional and short-sighted than logical. I'm freaked out by turbulence in an airplane but not about biking to work every day (in LA traffic!). When I lived abroad, I was more upset by seeing roaches than mosquitoes, which actually