I guess you could respond with "let me see if I understand. It's ok to marginalize and objectify and harrass one historically-discriminated-against group as long as you're a member of another historically-discriminated-against group
I guess you could respond with "let me see if I understand. It's ok to marginalize and objectify and harrass one historically-discriminated-against group as long as you're a member of another historically-discriminated-against group
...And so it was that Adam was restless. All of his attempts to holler at the animals were unsatisfying. The giraffes ignored him in favor of their lunch of delicate leafy branches. The hippopotami sank deeper beneath the lazy, lapping waters. A gorilla ignored him, mostly, and then had the audacity to back hand him…
"Huh. Women aren't watching our shows. Let's change our logo."
"It's a shame that the cast of BTVS is now all too old to make a Buffy movie..."
You know what would be a great source of protein? That passive-aggressive friend.
I read this story off of a reddit link, and a lot of people also came to her defense in keeping the car. The fact is, a known vehicle with a known maintenance history is a relatively smart decision over selling and getting a possible clunker. Controlling risk is just as important as controlling finances.
Why is it that no one ever emulates the whole veterinarian/lawyer/doctor/rock star/teacher/ safari guide/ first female president/ scuba diver/ astronaut/ architect part of being an extreme human Barbie? An article about a woman on her 13th highly skilled career would be a much more interesting read. How do you get…
I volunteer as an escort for a PP in Maryland that is housed in a larger building that has multiple floors and offices. One floor is an English school that hosts classes on Saturdays, when the protesters are out. Most of the people who enter the building that day are there for ESL class, but the protesters just yell…
I accidentally walked past a PP while female once, and was made a target for their slurs and hate-mongering. I screamed back, in tongue, and pretended to cast a spell on them. One of the older guys did the finger cross as if to ward off a vampire, and another one told me that if I didn't stop putting curses them,…
Yup. Because instead of helping real children, they're harassing women and screaming slurs in order to "protect" an unconscious fetus. What great people!
It's not like, if they really cared about children, there aren't a million places to volunteer. But, no, much better use of their time to harass people and cry over…
Oh my gosh - that's so true! I lived in Boston for several years and would go to the PP on Commonwealth to get my birth control pills. They would say crazy shit to me: "You are supporting Satan's work" and "God does not want you to murder your baby". Jesus F*cking Christ, people. BACK THE FUCK OFF. Provide counseling…
When my wife and I were looking for a church (before I went full atheist) we went to several local churches. One, St Veronica looked nice, but their website contained a screed from the priest about how women are evil and awful and therefore unfit to serve the altar.
HL is opening stores here in SoCal, with one coming in Burbank soon. I will not set foot in there or give them one dime of my money, however I think some "sidewalk counseling" for customers walking in to buy their Made In China (forced abortions because of one child policy) tchotckes might be in order. I'm also…
It's because they're not actually pro-life....they're anti-women.
Oh my goodness, you know what would be a fabulous protest? Something like we all go to hobby lobby and fillllll the trash cans with pads stained deep red (not blood, that's dangerous), and get white jeans and shorts died red in the crotchal region and just mill around out front handing out pamphlets and trying to…
"Here's the thing about this way of eating. With the exception of the wet almonds and the poo-shake, every recipe I tried was fucking great. But in order to cook two full meals from scratch every day, I had to take hours out of the middle of my workday to chop, essentially, one of every vegetable, and then clean my…
Would anyone be interested in my similarly-themed DIY article, "Everything I Fucked Up While Trying To Act Like Anthony Bourdain For Most of My Twenties"?
The fact that some women don't mind catcalls (or even consider them compliments) is NOT AN ARGUMENT FOR CATCALLING. It's not about whether an individual woman likes or doesn't like it. It's about the effect it has on women as a class.
dude, read the comments here. see how many women GET harrassed and see how many women actually LIKE it.