McJohn Cornwalis

+ 525,600 minutes.

I dunno, it depends on where it’s playing. The quality of the Theater should play into your decision. Also, are you buying tickets from the box office, or third party? So many questions really, there's no good way to answer this based on the information you've presented.

Which is free I guess!! Woohoo!

$100 for rent!?

Lol ok mr Rockefeller

Damn. I was figuring the quote would come from the scene where he shows LBJ his butt.

You can’t grow a great mullet in a day. You can’t win a Big Ten title in a day.

Def. a future in pro wrestling.

Ben Carson had me wondering if brain surgery was actually all that hard.

Yep. The way a friend put it to me, Bernie is a snickerdoodle and Hillary is a chocolate chip cookie. You might prefer one type over the other, but either is 1000x better than a GOP shit cookie.

If anyone’s interested, CNN has Bernie winning Maine 64% to 35% with 77% of the precincts reporting.

Actually, I think you just disproved your point.

Cue all the imbeciles who won’t get the joke in the headline. I’ve already fallen for this shit. Put another W in the win column for the Warriors. Winning 112-95 against the Lakers still counts as a win Deadspin!

“Ted Cruz? An inspiration to every kid in America who worries that he’ll never be able to run for president because nobody likes him. He’s running. And look, I told Barack, if you really, really want to remake the Supreme Court, nominate Cruz. Before you know it, you’ll have eight vacancies.”

Also a ball hit 450 feet (over the fence) is worth more than one hit 300 feet (not over the fence)... so the homerun is already screwing up his analogy.

This is my 50th year watching the NBA, and there have been only two individial players for whom I rarely changed the channel. The first was Michael Jordan, and the second is Stephen Curry.

I hope there were finger guns. He’s best when he adds in some finger guns.

This is the type of guy who hacked NBA Jam to make it all Shaq vs Shaq. “Another shot right next to the basket! HE’S ON FIRE!”

Fuck. Just, fuck. God dammit. This guy captures brilliantly why Trump is the likely Republican nominee.

Am I the only one that kind of wants a zany, fun Batman? Like the old 60s TV show? Or a family friendly Superman where he’s the giant boy scout he was written as? I’m getting more and more weary of the dark, grimy, grimdark portrayls.