McJohn Cornwalis

Finally! Some well-written coverage of science on Jezebel! This article does everything right (reading the actual study, talking to the actual authors, giving side-eye to shitty popular news coverage) that that atrocious article a few weeks ago didn’t (covering a menopause study).

It appears one of those guys is not a member of the jockey club.

I think this rant actually qualifies as three delegates for Donald Trump.

Is it gorgeous, you ask? Hairs of angels, Tom. Hairs of angels.

The cursing doesn’t flow as smoothly as Burneko but all in all an adequate Foodspin. Actually more than adequate because I am freaking scared to even attempt my own pasta. Good on you.

+1 year

Arguably getting worse...

I don’t even care if they play a shit team like the Sixers

Jose Fernandez: so much fun.

No nude selfies?


Interesting wording in the headline there, San Antonio Express-News.

I checked, and this is the first time Deadspin has ever tagged him in a post, which is a very, very good sign.

I guess it’s a good sign of his leadership that I’d never heard of Peter Holt until two minutes ago.

Stair daggers would encourage more elevator use.

I like taking the stairs, but any floor more than one floor is fine. Obviously if have a health issue even one floor is fine.

“Which means that for some, eating a bagel or white rice can be just as deadly as smoking an actual cancer stick.”

All this has done for me is made me want a bagel.

I’m not anti-nap so much as incapable of it. Unless I’m near-deathly-ill, I simply can’t fall asleep while the sun is up. And on those rare occasions when I am sick enough to pass out for a couple hours during the day, it fucks my nighttime sleep up for days on end.