
Hi! Producer and Ui Designer on Kona here :) Firstly, thanks for the article! Then, about the over-exposition and “tough to know what to do next”, this is exactly why small devs like us need Early Access. To us, those things are no-brainers, but we’ve been working on it for two years now. The narration is something we

So goddamn windy, just like Witcher 3.

I'd beat that with a brick.

I'm going to assume Sean Bean dies...

The world would be a better place if we just stopped having fun

That would be way too kind, get him an Ouya.

Somebody get him a WiiU.

How odd, that sounds very close to the game I'm working on called "Fappy Candy". Though I'd bet our gameplay is probably quite different from each other.

Our art style; inspired by Shadowrun Returns, XCOM and other sci-fi titles such as Mass Effect. We also worked our shaders similar to Borderlands.

Woah woah woah, am I the only one who saw that unbelievably good looking concept artist?

This looks great. Final Fantasy Tactics + Shadowrun = Sweet

You can buy the full game for 20$. You do not have to spend anything more than the 20$, except for skins which are only new visuals for your characters.

Ahhhh the quebecois accent, unmistakable XD

Yes, our art style is indeed inspired by good games like Shadowrun Returns :)

Part of what made FFT so special is the adult theme and serious storyline. It totally drew me in with its world building and political intrigue.

I'd like to see an actual followup on the New Gen. Have units that take up more than one square, tighten up the tactics side more, maybe have to split the party for several

Nice ! It reminds me of Shadowrun returns but that's really great, we need more cyberpunk/biopunk universe games.