@Mutatopotato: Yeah well, you kinda had to with Oblivion, to make it playable. If it wasn't for the mods on PC, the game would have tanked.
@Mutatopotato: Yeah well, you kinda had to with Oblivion, to make it playable. If it wasn't for the mods on PC, the game would have tanked.
@ProudGeek: Then you are in luck, and it moldy912 I will be punch in the face for using a really annoying meme.
@narutogameking: And you don't know how many of those who 'pirated' the game, actually bought it later and is part of the whole sold customer base. How many who pirated the game is actually the reason that others know about it and seen the game and have bought it afterwards. So thats why your 'console'-superior…
I actually wonder how many of the sold copies was from one of the people who pirated it first.
The last picture looks like how Michael Bay would make a zombie movie.
@TheRealDoshu: Its like telling the pigs to not get into the van, the intelligent ones tries to, but get pushed by the stupid hordes.
@excaliburps: I think we need to test this theory. Lets get Bobby fired and start his own company, and see how many people will follow him. ;)
@-MasterDex-: And item labels when you hover it over stuff in your inventory. :) Something I really needed when I experimented with new texture packs.
@Ricorich196: Do you have ad-blocker installed? because I noticed that its usually some flash something on the site that does that, and banners and such are bad.
@RockyRan: Well, then they should make it so people can create their own servers, loads of people does that (PC community anyway). This is what I don't like about online console games, they don't have a life compared to PC games (though some companies is trying to ruin it for PC as well)
@shan164: Im sorry, this isn't a TSA article. ;)
@2c-b: You right, this doesn't really show anything apart what is available, and its certainly doesn't show how big piracy is. Rather then showing how many torrents is AVAILABLE, show how many has actually be downloaded.
@ABigFatGeek: You forgetting a little fact, that when you develop for a console, you have to pay the console company money to develop your game for it. You don't do that on PC, and since the whole process of making the game is done on a PC, that's less production cost. Sure there will be problems with different…
@jayntampa: Of course, that's why the normal garbage men is always encouraged to remove chemical spills and radioactive waste, because its just garbage, isn't it? :)
Oh yeah thats a way to kill certain genres and game plays. Sorry to say this, but that's just utterly moronic statements he comes with, really. Singleplayer is out? Really? idiot.
@gamerjason88: personally I don't like the motion sensors, unless he makes them perfect. Either you have to flip your arms back and forth, or you just have to glance at the door and it opens.
@Jon: I actually had the same problem, it was horrible, the cutscenes was chucky, stutting like MAD, any time a movie sequence came, you fractically try to stop it. You kinda lose quite a bit of the game when you have no idea whats going on.
@D.Mobile!: actually they might have used pigs blood, to get the right colors and consistency, so it would still glow in black light.
@TheHankstar: It's called "Taking a stand" and "Making a point". Guess you missed that.
NASA: "Because of the budget cuts, we will have to turn off the big sky-screen, and return to just black screen. The Star Sky show has been cancelled until further notice and the moon will be replaced with a LED, just for the sake of knowing the gravitation point for oceans. Thank you."