
You still need to be online to start the game. So they only made it so you don't have to stay online all the time, but you are still lose if you don't have internet when you want to play.

@Samo: And remember we need to ban deaf people from crossing roads, because they might not be 'distracted' but they can't hear the traffic at all. :P

@LucasKane: Yeah, I hear this bitching all the time from the game and movie industry.

@garywalmsley56: Yeah, for me it sounded more like he commented on it bit more to himself then to Peter. And that it was referring to all the decisions and problems being Walter.

You get lot of heat as well from compost, doesn't mean its gonna blow up and radiate you, so stop your whining about the bad bad red color.

@The Anti-Fanboy: Plus, they don't want the 'sheep' (no offence) to make their own stuff when they can be forced to buy overpriced DLCs.

@meelooteen: Yeah, with a BETTER version...He recorded it with his phone.

@pagan_god: Yeah, I can imagine you write a check to the bus driver, without getting punched in the wait, I cant.

@FaustsHausUSA: Bullshit, the car methphore doesn't work, someone you lost stuff when you STEAL, someone doesn't lose something when you COPY something. If you could copy a car, there is sure in hell a lot more people with cars.

@resvrgam: I don't know, how well can you fight when with ever evasion something is just about to pop out? Distraction is also part of war. ;)

@dec.: Terrorism is to create terror and fear, and that was just what he did, he created fear of bombs, and remember what these times are. Bombs jokes has never been taken lightly.

@Onizuka-GTO: I was actually wondering, its a meter wide beam, what would happen if the focus it into a 5mm beam instead? Wouldn't the effect be more intense in a small area, like using a magnifying glass with the sun?

@McMike: Well, until someone pulls out an RPG, its all fun and games.

@Fauxcused: I think the point is that you can define yourself by your skills, instead of taken a certain class. So you can start out as a wizard, turn to a ranger, and then maybe turn into a wizard/ranger/monk. You ain't limited to set limits or expectations. Makes more sense, or else it would be like if you start

I think its just like other RPGs, that you just have some good beginner skills in certain areas, so if you have an idea you want to be a mage, your choice some better mage skills in the beginning, but you ain't bound to this class, if you don't want to be mage you just spend point/train other skills.

What I would like with news like these is that they show before and after, don't know about you, but its kinda hard to judge if you aint playing it at the moment and have been playing other visually appareling games.

@Cleesox: You forgetting annoyed parents who lectures you about setting things on fire and flooding the room. ;)

@Jadfish: Ow, I hate that mob, its even more annoying then Herobrine, impossible to get rid off and while it never kills you, it makes you want to punch your screen. ;)

@merc-ai: Actually I know what you mean, I actually kinda like them better then oblivion, because if was corridors, it kind felt right because you could remember the way (2 left, 1 right ect). The Oblivion ones was just too, generic/rocky, I don't know. Btw, I think (cant remember actually) that Oblivion dungeons

@merc-ai: Also dungeons, in Oblivion you went into a dungeon and found a rusten dagger, like the one you had, and some tunips. In Morrowind you could find a dungeon, go into it and it was unique and when you discovered the vampires, you ran like hell out of there. Later on, with a bit better equipment, you came back