@Elliuotatar: The good old days where you actually went "NOOOO! ARGHHH" when your download timed out. ;)
@Elliuotatar: The good old days where you actually went "NOOOO! ARGHHH" when your download timed out. ;)
@Panzer23: The problem with broadband providers is that they sell you a line of so and so speed, but they actually only letting you share it with others. So when people actually start to use all their legally purchased bandwidth, the providers are screwed because they been selling fake promises.
@wahoooo: Personally I wouldn't do it, if the rock is going to make it a habit to move around. ;)
@xd.Balls: Yeah, but not everyone believes in Aliens. Their loss.
@omegakai: If you noticed I replied to MasterDex's post, not the op. And it was still about something he said, that he wanted to buy games knowing it would run on his platform, and you would know that if you spend a second to check the game requirements, but some people is too lazy to do that. So sorry if you couldn't…
@dev: It's not only the graphic, but memory issues as well. If you notice lot of games which on PC had large maps (gameplay area), on console have lot of smaller ones with loading screens.
@MichaelPalin: Yep, make the games for PC first and then port to console. It's the same principle as editing images, you have a highres image you scale down, not the other way around. :)
@Baboonski: The problem with the buy-console-vs-upgrade-PC is that with PC you get a much smoother transition and often you can compromise by only upgrade parts, such as memory or graphic card, but with console there is a gap between each generation and you have to wait forever for new version and then for games to…
@-MasterDex-: Are you mad, that would require that they could read ;)
@Antubis: Considering how much they costed, I would consider recycle part of them while they are up there. But that's just me.
They should rather gather the junk up there and just put together a new spacestation from the parts, and call it the Junk Fortress of Doom, with death rays.
@DocHobo: Yeah, well apart from noise blocking and keeping heat and people in/out. You might as well have a glass door then, which would be more practical imo.
@OMG! Ponies!: Your experience doesn't really count because you might as well say that a dishwasher is useless because it takes up lot of space and that you might as well wash in the sink. It's a choice you have, like having a dishwasher, an extra freezer ect. It's not like it HAVE to fit into a small kitchen, and it…
@m4ximusprim3: Make sure you stand behind a very hot women :)
@OMG! Ponies!: Yeah, but you can't hold a bowl at the same time and it only works for one thing and is more unstable. You need much more control and energy using that thing.
@AndrewWiggin: arghhh! Thank god for water, so unless they mutate into something with wings, I think Im safe.
@OMG! Ponies!: Actually, I like his version better, because it's not a bulky thing you have to move around and that stands in the way. There is just the attachment you need to remove/wash. It's not a perfect solution (would prefer a version where you can change which foot is powering the wheel), but its a elegant…
@MrEvil: Also, there should be a way to easy change foot, you don't want to use the same foot all the time for this, especially not if you make stuff at christmas time, gonna be hell ;)
@Mike De Lucia: Yeah, I personally hate spiders (childhood trauma I guess). I can tolerate the ones that makes webs, because you know where you got them, but the hunters...arghh hate them.
@arcticfox012: Umm, give me the name of your country, so I can send my nukerocke...I mean, giftbasket to you.