@RizzRustbolt: You have to think about the bigger picture, they are...icky...It's well worth the sacrifice.
@RizzRustbolt: You have to think about the bigger picture, they are...icky...It's well worth the sacrifice.
Someone make the exo-suit and I'm game :)
It looks very grainy, I wonder if its possible at all to make it with smooth, shiny surfaces, without having to hand-polish it manually.
@GhostRaven: Bullshit, people who sells used furniture doesn't steal from the furniture companies. :P
I wonder how many business people with their handfree sets, will lose money or get fired, because they can't take the phone on their 2 hour trip to work. This is the worse suggestion ever, its like automatically frisking anyone who leaves a store, because of theft, instead of putting up alarms and tags on products.
@Almightywhacko: But that seriously doesn't make it any more right. I know we are from the westen countries, but fuck that, this is bull.
@maude_flanders: Actually, isn't there cameras all over the place? So the court could easy see if anything like this happens, even without sound.
@riverfr0zen: That is actually very important, since its the flaws that makes a character believable. No persons face is the same on both sides, just take a front photo of anybody, copy and mirror one side to another, and you can see it looks wrong/not the same.
@Orin: Yeah, just that, just you wait, some day we are banned from using the word "black" because it can be used to describe a person. Little by little we would lose all colours till we are all grey :P
And if he gets a couple of glasses with LCD screen in them, he can check out the rack of that chick behind him, without seeming creepy...well, apart from the whole cyborg-creepiness.
@sammy baby: It's porn for noir minecraft. ;)
@Red_Steel: The problem is that this could easily happen somewhere else, with the other scanners which actually shows a lot. This is just the first example of it getting misused and since all the machines are operated by humans, this probably won't be the last time either.
@verset: Also, as the article said, its a different scanner.
@skt.smth: Are you mad, you trying to say that if you buy a car, that you can sell it to...wait...no, you are saying that you buy a chair and....hmm...Okay, you saying that you buy a CD and ...damnit.
@Sean Loyless: Unless the voices has been updating the numbers though-out the millenniums, who knows, the earliest numbers they got was from 1800.
@Andy Neil: Also, I feel that Fauxlivia might be getting second thoughts about the whole thing, with her asking Peter about destroying the other side, like she wanted to confirm what she did was right. But can't wait for Olivia to break into the lab and return home. :)
What actually happens if one of the persons who swapped places, dies? what happens to the other one, does he/she stay there or do their mental state die and turn into a vegetable? I 'think' they talked about it in one episode, but I don't remember.
Oh wow, I guess progress is killing off something again....GOOD! I'm sorry that you have a problem with selling hardcopies, I love my hardcopy games, but everytime I go into a shop, there is a top 10 PC games shelf and thats pretty much it. The rest is sodding console games. :P
@Maxie Payne: Shit happens, as we have seen with some of the launches.
@Unholy_Hero: Yeah, they probably though "Wohooo, free wires!"