
Giuliani did the most work trying to excuse the inexcusable

I feel like there’s also not enough emphasis on the preceding part of the sentence:

He probably doesn’t know that Jordan McRae, who he mentioned as well, was also drafted in the second round!

For what it’s worth, I don’t think they’re going to trade him at the deadline. Teams will assume the Pelicans are in “we can only get maximum value if we trade him 10 minutes ago” mode and try to lowball. If they think that the Cs have the most value to offer in return (which they transparently do), then you can’t

The one thing that doesn’t make sense in this is that the Celtics wouldn’t wait until July if they were going to trade Kyrie for Davis — the whole point of waiting is so that Kyrie would re-sign under a new, non-Rose Rule contract, and then they could obtain Davis and have him and Kyrie on the same team. If they’re

Uh yeah, absolutely fucking not.

Right, but that monthly amount is the balance that’s used to determine your utilization. Just because you pay your bill in full every month doesn’t make your balance $0; it just means you don’t carry any balance over month to month. Your balance isn’t $0 unless you pay off all your purchases before you even get the

Sweet burner account, Stephen Miller.

I have a dollar that says that Lil’ Rusty is Sean Payton’s brother that the Flacc Man bought that mattress from.

It’s not so much a law, more of a Flaccxiom.

I’m mad that I even feel like engaging with such a self-evidently bad argument, but let’s game this dumb-ass shit out just to drive the point home.

It’s been much easier to appreciate Duke the last couple of years because, Grayson Allen aside, Duke isn’t really Duke anymore. Duke is just Kentucky.

You’d only have to move one team:

Shit: Now that’s funny.

I’ve found that for recording podcasts long-distance, if all the participants are regular “hosts,” the way to go is to use skype and have everyone record their individual track into Audacity (because free is good) with one person also recording the skype output to have a reference track for post-production/editing.

Ah yes, because they all left at the same time.

Unpaid internships are the working-world’s version of this problem! They are taken almost exclusively by students whose parents have the money to support them while they work for no pay in a job that they should be getting paid for, which then gives them an even further leg up on the people who couldn’t afford the

Hello, hope you know you still suck. That’s all.

Hello, hope you know you suck. That’s all.