Jamie of Green Gables

I was born in 1976, myself.

Fox News: We'll report whatever we to, God damn it.

Can I trademark, "Talk to the hand"?

Well, at least we have Frank Stallone's take on all of this! We can all rest easy now.

Call me, when the Battle of the PBS Stars gets finally made.

To be fair, he is so hopped up on Cocaine, he would​n't remember her real name anyways.

If this mean he that never comes back, to America even better.

The game charecter, no one asked for is coming back in the game no one asked for.

How soon can this show air?

It's actually, the Loch Nar, from Heavy Metal!

Yes, but does it shit on desks?

It just needed blimey Cockney gangsters and Sting! There. Problem solved!

I want to be in the next film, Mr. Ghostface!

Yes, but will he be high on weed in the film?

Pretty that is the case, they feel that Trump is a hero and has been treated unfairly.

The most darkest version of Groundling Marsh yet!

I don't know about kids in general. But aren't they usually in bed by 11:30 PM?

Obama was more a grown up, and President then President Fuckface. Dear God, I miss him already.

She was pretty​ much, the only reason I watched the show other than Nancy Travis and Hector Elizondo.

Or Bruce Willis on the show?