Jamie of Green Gables

Me too.

We are all going to need to drink beer, by the time this cluster fuck is over.

I liked​ Joe Walsh the best, when he was with The Eagles.

Presuming he doesn't get fired first.

He's more of a troll.

Jeff Sessions is a Jerk at Work!

Consider it done.

Ladies and gentlemen, "our President". We're doomed.

Go fly a kite. Preferably during a a lightning storm.

The Portrait of Dorian Grey! Only Trump gets more oranger and Trumpier the more the painting ages.

She's the Akira of crappy comedy, then?

In an alternate universe, maybe.

Yes, people beating up other people is totally funny. With that level of comedy, you should totally get into the business, Only Joe King.

Please, tell me that your are kidding. Seriously.

Yes, but where the new home for orphaned smug, angry, whiny reporters be?

You don't want to know.

They are going to need a bigger ER.

At least it's not Arby's. Arby's: Number one, for your number two.

What would Murphy Brown or Jane Craig, make of all this?

"Like sands through an hourglass, so are the days of Fox News Network."