
Well he was in construction first when he was just Jumpman before a giant ape kidnapped someone and started climbing his work site. Naturally he considered a career change. Then he goes down a pipe and winds up in a world of princesses and dragons and ghosts and becomes a hero. At some point he had to just say “fuck

But there is no way in fuck any state entities should have this shit on their property. The Confederate States are the definition of TRAITORS, and honoring those who served them is the same as honoring traitors. I don’t understand this shit...

Came to post this. Hyde from Vamps is also in Ouendan 2

Gonna be real here, and I don’t say this lightly, but I’d rather there were no voice chat option at all than whatever this *makes obnoxious double open hand point toward a jumble of wires* is.

Useful comment.

The guy in the suit in the top image is all, “Keep it together Joe, you are not seeing a brightly dressed mutated Italian midget jumping blissfully down the street.”

I’m not! Even if this just takes one person to make happen, it’s a waste of that one person’s time, and a waste of resources that Nintendo could be allocating to the 3DS or Switch Virtual Consoles.

They absolutely needed to do this, online matches basically would form into a pack of 1-3 racers getting way ahead while everybody else fell further and further behind because they all got items to murder each other with instead of items to catch up with. Now people are reporting mushrooms are more frequent.

For quoting MLK a lot in their anguished letters, I think some of those Seattle parents forgot this passage from the Birmingham County Jail letter-- replace moderate with liberal, because that’s just the shifting goalposts since the Reagan Years:

As far as I can tell there has never been an official answer, so I am extremely thrilled to be able to provide one, 19 years later.

He meant that white people get to do awful things, and when its all over, there is always some excuse that can allow you to view the act separately from the person who committed the act; this process helps to maintain the general idea that white people aren’t inherently violent. Unfortunately, access to this technique

C&D in

I had a lot of fun with the Beta too. When you look forward to the next hour of playtime, that’s a good sign.

I think Ethan underestimates something: in the Beta, each character had only 3 types of punches available. Judging by the menu, there’ll be a lot more available, and you’ll be able to choose what to equip on

If Manning gets a pass

I made one point and instead of making a counter point, they have attack the person.


Congress and whitehouse staffers have the most amazing healthcare package. It’s been that way for decades. Everything is covered, no out of pocket costs.

“Not-Obamacare” bill sounds good enough for them. Even if the bill promoted drug addiction, sent your first-born to the deepest layers of hell, and simply prevented you from affording any health care - all they care is that the ACA is being repealed.

I’ve basically been in an unending rage for the last 3 months, and it’s exhausting. I’ve reached a point now where I’m just starting to feel like maybe shit like this has to happen in order for people to wake the fuck up to what these GOP criminals are doing to them.

Rape and domestic violence can be considered “pre-existing conditions” under this bill. Let the implications really sink in.