
yeah The first time my tires skid and i felt it react; i was suprised at how rich it felt.

I’m glad there are so many people like you who think racism is something that is ok. I’m glad there are so many people like you who think apologies that come after the individual making said apology is surprised that people don’t think racism is ok.

Or maybe they should think before they post.

I know some of the older Zelda tunes are classics, but it’s just so damn nice to hear it in a full orchestral composition in BotW, rather than the MIDI of yore. The music has truly reached a high point, even if it is often much more subtle than what we’ve gotten in the past. But the light touch of piano as your

bro all these comments coming at you fierce and thats the one you decide to respond to lol

The functionality isn’t the issue here. This is a device for nostalgia, and it’s a device for a collector.

I get comments like this a lot when the topic comes up and it always feels reductive. I actually want to take time to address it. The idea that people don’t play through the entire game is really absurd. In order to find tricks, runners and hunters have to play through the game as intended to understand mechanics and

Everyone knows Fire is a gateway spell. Sooner or later you move on to Fira and eventually you’re in some back alley sucking **** for enough mp to cast Warp.

Inb4 peacekeepers still win by spamming the poll

It will probably become what the Vita should have been.

Ahhh, that was it! I kept having that issue at the aquarium I work at today. And then I went home and tried to play 1-2 Switch with my goldfish, same thing! Went to my bedroom, though...and it also happened, because that’s where my wi-fi was.

It’s not political correctness, it’s respect and human decency. People need to grow the fuck up.

I’m about as anti-PC as it gets, and am all for sexuality in games as a choice, but little anime girls crying as their outfits are ripped to shreds embarrasses the fuck out of me to be a gamer whenever it comes up. The visual implications of a little girl crying as her clothes have been torn apart off of her are a bit

I don’t mind cute girls in games, but this whole style of boobs bursting out of clothes has gotten quite tiresome.
I wish Japanese game-makers would realize it also turns real female gamers off from their games, and keeps it a niche-otaku thing.

She looks like a whole lot of fun!

Now playing

Track: Down Rodeo | Artist: Rage Against The Machine | Album: Evil Empire

Tharja. I love that adorable little whack job.

I think you maybe missed the point of her op-ed which was, succinctly, that she has chosen to embrace an ignorant, self-obsessed charlatan of a political figure because someone threw an egg at her once.

As a software designer I am always inspired by stories like this, as long as it works it doesn’t have to be beautiful in the background, what the user don’t know, won’t hurt them.

You know who was my favorite speaker at the Women’s March? A man, one who used to annoy the hell out of me. Michael Moore. He kept it simple: he provided the number we call to voice concerns to our representatives. Then he told us: call every day. Put it in your schedule along with brushing your teeth and showing up