
I have become so addicted to this recently after you tweeted it out. Gotta say I’m pretty proud of consistently being a top 10 snake. I usually just start following the first big snake I see and either kill them or wait for them to die. After that I start preying on bigger snakes that think they’re hot shit and circle

Kinda reminds me of Infinity Blade with full controal in a weird way with the fixed camera angles and aging. I feel like there’s a better way to implement the camera in this type of game for VR.


That’s comedy gold right there. Can’t make that stuff up.

It’s Necalli swapped with Ryu’s character model.

Sweet editing. If the story mode looked like that I’d be more inclined to actually play them for reasons other than precious Bison Bucks/Fight Money. Reminds me of Guilty Gear how some story matches would open with a choreographed fight in the game engine.

Can't wait

That looks amazing! So can any game be loaded into their emulator have this effect or are they doing this on a game to game basis or what’s goin on here? What form of sorcery is this?!

Is anyone else bothered by that gofundme page? Like... c’mon. The joke has gone too far.

Street Fighter V followed by Street Fighter V with a little Street Fighter V after that last Street Fighter V then eat(?) then some Street Fighter V to mix things up. Mix ups? Is that a pun? WHY AM I NOT PLAYING STREET FIGHTER V?!

Damn I would’ve lost that Splatfest too.

A solid offering for PS4?! What?!

According to his name, no one. Technically.

Wow. That sure is a thing someone did.

Seems cool. You're right about the tracks though. They do look like they could end up being pretty same-y after a while. Maybe the career will have pre built tracks.

Is it just me or does the logo seem a bit Overwatch-y?

Ever since I left The City

I just recently entered the wonderful world of PC gaming and I gotta say, holy shit the deals. I can’t afford to not buy all of these games. I need help.
