
She doesn’t really seem broken to me at the moment. Her only kill moves appear to be her smash attacks and back air the latter of WITCH (heh) have a lot of start up frames. Yeah she has witch time but than can be baited. Also her recovery is pretty ass. All that said BAE-onetta is awesome.

It’d be sweet if they revisited WWII for one of the yearly Dutys on the current gen. Even if it was just a remake of 2.

Just reading and thinking about that scene gets me all choked up.

Persona Ultimax. Nice.

Yeah. I’m by no means a hardcore RE as I’ve only ever played and completed 4 and 5, but let’s face it; Capcom might as well change their name to Street Fighter since that’s the only franchise they really give a damn about. Any other games released are just to make more money to pump into the franchise. Let’s further


I was thinking about this the other day. Was almost positive this was going to be or already canned.

We don’t live (YEEAAAH) in a Pokemon world (PO-KE-MON!)

Ken Mika looks like the colossal titan with that red skin. LERRA is just...

Cool; story!

The double damage is pretty cool. Too bad you need an amiibo. I have it, but damn.

Definitely good on them for doing that but you can never underestimate the amount of time someone will put into trying to beat their own ridiculous stage just to unleash it upon the unsuspecting masses.

Feelin’ some Smash 4 and Crazy Taxi There’s a bar arcade (aptly named Barcade) in St Marks with Crazy Taxi that keeps track of all the high scores on an actual leaderboard in the bar. Some schmuck beat my score by $100 so I gotta train to reclaim that title and KEEP IT.

Yup I’m getting that. Don’t care how much money I don’t have for it but godammit I’m getting it.

*Nintendo sends takedown notice*

Opinions: Sometimes they differ! VaultBoy

YAS! PvZ:GW was shooter of the year 2014.

I feel like if they made a sequel for current gen at a budget price it would take off like Rocket League. I only ever played the demo on 360 but damn if that demo wasn't fun.

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