
Not really a fan of Jpop and the like but Ouendan/EBA are some of my favorite games of all time. They should definitely bring those back. Hell, I’d settle for a re-release of them all on the VC.

Yas plz. There hasn’t been much love for rhythm games as far as I can tell in recent times if you don’t count RB4 and GH Live which, y’know. Looks like a solid pick up.

That's some Real Soviet cosplay right there

Every year.

It’s a holiday tradition at this point for everything to go to shit on this day. This definitely one of the most creative ways it's happened so far though.

Nailed it

Looks pretty fun. We’ll see.

Challenge accepted.

Awesome! The world records feature is pretty cool. Sure you can beat a Panga stage but can you do it FASTER than everyone else?!

So moody.

That theme makes me feel greasy. And hungry.


I am unbelievably hype for this announcement. Been Smashin’ since I was a wee lad so any news on the series is a momentus occasion. With that said I’ve also been feverishly searching for spoilers and leaks since yesterday because I GOTSTA KNOW.

It just gets better and better!

Gaming PC.

I have it on PS4 and don’t mind it too much. The music, however, leaves a lot to be desired. It’s trying too hard to sound modern. Ends up sounding like the music that plays when someone is answering a question on a game show.


Sakurai plz

Imagine Mario Kart with GTA physics. It would suck but, y’know, imagine it.

Probably after a year or so of free updates they’ll probably start or begin developing new paid content. Which is fine.