
Never played it. Should I get it? :U

No Sean or Q :<

I’m surprised they made it this far considering how much publicity it got over the years. Hope Nintendo doesn’t decide to make a move on them cause like... c’mon. If anything they should be flattered and offering them jobs.

That’s pretty cray. I wish my addled brain could come up with cool and creative stages like this.

I think you might be able to go into your played courses and find it even if you didn’t star or beat the course. Haven’t played in a while so I’m not sure.

Awesome! I was afraid they wouldn’t make the goal. The prototype is really fun. Can’t wait to get my grubby mits on this game.

Picked up Bloodborne for $20 on Amazon so I’m Prepared to Die™ along with Last of Us Multiplayer because those uniforms ain’t gettin’ our shit. Then Fallout 4, Blops 3, and Yoshi’s Wooly World on Jesus’ Bday.

I feel like the same can be said of most people. Without the therapist.

Bloodborne and a PS4 Camera for the strim for sub $50. Solid.