
I have to ask, although it may be obvious. How's the over/under on Cersei staying on the throne for 8.5? There's only 7 Eps. in this season. What am I not getting?

You're right on, with your rationale. And I support most of those groups you mentioned (and will check out the other). I'm honestly a pacifist, but I still wonder what it'll look like if things continue to go this way.

I can't argue with you. I know it's dangerous thinking. And I don't want to condone what's happened. But it feels like there's an undercurrent of this story that nobody's talking about.

Sigh, I think I'd like to check this out. But I just can't pick up yet another streaming platform.

Lol… I can't trust my gut on this anymore. I guess it was about a year ago when I read about Rubio suckerpunching Trump at a "debate." And this was maybe two days after they had compared the length of each other's penises in front of an audience, so I was like, "Well, I guess a fight was inevitable with this group."

Hahaha. You are so silly. Go read a transcript of Farkas' actual comments. rather than Hannity's or Limbaugh's interpretation of them. Oh, wait! I have the transcript right here:

I think (since it's a brand new contract) unless it's got escape clauses, it would be a pretty pricey thing for Fox to do. I'd expect a percentage of remaining contract to be paid out under most circumstances, so right now, that could make it a no go.

She was asking for it.

Lol, Yeah, right! I'm looking forward to the "counter-boycotts" too. Rednecks climbing outta their Ford Trucks. "I ain't gonna buy no Mercedes Benz!"

Agreed, if any development suggested 45's assertions were accurate, that would be devastating! For better or for worse, though, there have been none. Let's come back from the Land of Whatif in the meantime.

Not sure if this is usual AV Club Comment Snarkiness, or if we've been invaded by Trumpkins.

/cheer for the free market.

The still version of the frame before I played the video showed those Firefly posters in the background and made me think, "Wha?" as well. You're right that there's a lot of fun going on in this vid, but Firefly of all things? Seems like that should mean something.

No, I used quotes since it's the title of a book and I know neither how to apply italics nor underscore in a comment. I meant that Brian Herbert really is not the author of this book. His father Frank was the author. Brian rubbed some polish on an unfinished text or two back in the 80s I think, but I dunno if that

… Brian Herbert is not the author of "Dune"…

To note: one can follow the link in this article and get to the petition, but when one comes in from the top of, you can't navigate to the petition. Shenanigans?

This reads like one of the worst scripts I've ever heard about. How did it not make the 20 worst of 2016?

Eh. I understand how the balloting system works for this but two features about OJ Simpson in the top 15? You'd think the vote would split and they'd cancel out. I remember OJ Trial 1.0 when it came out back in the 90s and it was a fucking mess. With everything going on in 2016, revisiting this wreck was about the

Rick actually makes that point in the comics.

I hear that! That seems like a big expectation to me though. What about you?As much really cool TV there is in the world, retro-cramming what happened last season doesn't fit my schedule very well.