Mr. Boojangles

They’re still shitty.

Rockets had 8 more FT attempts than the Warriors. Nice try blaming the refs, though. 

Nothing preconceived about it, I just have a hard time believing she got into a fight with another woman the night before, got beat so badly that her eardrums were ruptured, then just went to bed instead of the hospital.

It’s not a hat. It’s a pointy white hood that looks like a hat.

::reads title::

Golden State checked him just fine after his flurry in the opening minutes, generously accommodating the Rockets’ desire to match him up with Steph Curry

Ungrey this poet

I really don’t get the gun obsession in this country, and probably never will, mainly because I am perfectly fine with the size of my penis.

That piece really was just the encouragement I needed.

Joanna, will you please, please take time to do one of these for all movies past, present, and future? Thank you in advance.

Now playing

Clapton is ok. But he is highly overrated. Prince was GOAT, but severely underrated to the point that it was almost insulting. But check out this video if you haven’t already of this prince solo he did with Tom Petty at the Rock and Roll hall of fame. The story is Prince was insulted that he wasn’t included on the

He’s not even close to being the greatest guitarist of all-time, and I’ve never heard anyone seriously argue that he is. He is known for playing rock/blues solos in boring songs. Prince, my vote for GOAT, could play circles around him and was 500 x’s more talented in every other aspect of music. And, yeah, Prince was

You decided to stay a Chargers fan? Can you talk a bit about that choice?

I knew Trump’s fat sphincter mouth would eventually incriminate him.

I’ve been hearing Garrison Keillor has a sexual harassment problem for at least a decade.

It sounds like rhubarb pie might’ve been involved.

Awwww FFS, this sucks but let’s lance the boil and get rid of all the scum.

I honest to god really enjoy that morning show, because it’s much lighter on fluff and more heavy on actual news than the other morning shows. I’m glad Gayle and Norah can balance out these feelings for their coworker and prioritize believing women.

Fuck these people. My mom casually mentioned today she got an abortion 6 years before I was born. She did not think of it as a big deal then or now. I’m on medication that means if I get pregnant the fetus will be severely affected and my doctor has told me if I do, I should call in to schedule an abortion (we also

Last week a bunch of pro forced birth dipshits showed up in a residential neighborhood I go through on the way to work to picket the house of the PP president. But she had moved and the dummies protesting just ended up frightening the young family who had bought the house. Dude tried to hand me some flier through the